Chapter 8

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Jamie's P.O.V.

I had finally arrived in Florida later that afternoon. Meaning I only had about 4 hours to get something to eat and get my things ready before the concert started at 7:30.

Once I turned my phone on, I saw that I had a text from Andy saying that Ashley had quit and that they're now using his bass player, Lonnie, from now on. I decided to call Andy to make sure that I read the text right.


Hey, is it true that Ashley really quit? How come?
I don't know, he just said that he wanted to do something on his own now.
That's weird. But ok then. Now I've just landed, I'm gonna grab a cab and head over to the venue to get my things ready for tonight, then I'll meet up with you guys somewhere so I can meet the new guy.
Don't worry, all of us are all ready here to come get you
Are you serious? Shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight?
Yes, don't question it. We're waiting outside your gate
Ok, I'll be out soon, see ya in a bit

Conversation over

I exited the airport and went straight to the tour bus that the guys were in. "Sup bitchs" I shouted once I got inside "hey!" They all yelled back at me "so how did Bronwen do this morning?" Jinxx asked "she did really good actually, she didn't even cry when I left" I said with a small chuckle "well that's good" Jake said, not looking away from his phone.

If you are wondering, yes I am staying in the tour bus with the guys. It's just a lot easier for everybody.

"Hi, you must be Lonnie. I'm Jamie, the photographer" I said, sticking my hand out for him to shake "hey. And yep, that's me. Andy has told me a lot about you" he smiled and shook my hand "all good things I hope" I joked before sitting down on the recliner.

We pulled up to the venue about an hour and a half later. "Finally!" CC and I yelled as we ran off the bus, we were now finally able to stretch our legs properly, the guys were just laughing at us as they walked out of the bus like normal people.

I walked inside the venue and went back stage so I could get my camera ready for the show, then walked over to where they guys were. "Have you guys had dinner yet?" I asked nobody in protocolar "no, not yet momma bear" Jake joked, using the nickname that they've given me, because I'm always acting like a mom towards them. "Ok, well what do you guys want? You're going to need your energy for tonight" I said with a small smile. After talking and deciding what we wanted for a few minutes, we ordered what we wanted and got it delivered to the venue. 

"Ok guys, it's show time" I said as I walked int their dressing room, with my camera ready to go "ok, thanks Jay" Andy smiled and patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

A few minutes later the concert was in full swing. I was standing in front of the stage taking pictures when I felt someone behind me tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw this young girl, maybe only 13 or 14, she had her phone on the notes app saying "can I get a selfie with you please? I'm a big fan of your work" I nodded my head and got closer to her so she could take the photo "thank you so much" she yelled over the music "you're welcome" I yelled back before I went back to taking photos of the guys and the crowed.

After the concert was over the guys went to the meet and greet while I went back to the bus for the night. Once I got my pj's on, I got my laptop and connected my camera to it and took all the pictures I took that night off of it, I also turned on Netflix and started to watch some Greys Anatomy as I waited for the guys to come back. (Don't judge, it's a good show lol).

By the time the guys got back to the bus I was already passed out in my bunk with my Netflix show still running.

(A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to like and comment what you think)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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