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Next Wednesday came faster than you were expecting. They do say time flies when you're having fun, and with all the recent texting and facetiming from Karl... well, time flew. And in the best way possible. 

You were terribly, hoplessly, no-way-out, in love with this boy.

Everything about him was just... perfect. He was nice without being sickly sweet, funny without being annoying, and cute without being too childish. Not to mention attractive as all hell too. Talking to him was comfortable and interesting and enjoyable, and he listened to you too. It was like he had stepped straight out of your dreams and into reality. 

Still, you weren't exactly thinking about that at the moment. You were more worried about holding on the handle of Noah's car as she whipped around a corner, going at least fifteen over the speed limit. 

"You have to tell me everything when I come get you when you're done." She said. "I want to know all the details."

"Sure thing." You said. The bumpy ride was not helping the nerves that were already pooling in your stomach. Logically, you knew this was going to be a good time... but you were a little nervous. This would be the first time you would see Karl since the last time he stopped by the store... and there was a possible 100,000 dollars on the line. 

"And please tell me you read those strategies I sent you." Noah said. 

"Noah, I'm not going to read a strategy about hide and seek-"

"It's 100,000 dollars!" Noah said. "Do you want to be working a job at the mall forever?"

"I'm just going to try to have fun." You said. 

"If you don't come back with 100,000 dollars, I'm going to kick your ass." Noah said. You couldn't tell if she was joking or not. 

A few minutes later, Noah was pulling to the side of the road, where a group of guys were unloading some cameras from the back of a car. You recognized Karl right away, your heart jumping in your chest as you saw him. 

Noah unlocked the passenger door. "Just text me when you need to get picked up. And please, for your own good, try to win."

You just smiled, and slipped out of the car, waving to Noah as she sped off to work. 


You turned to see Karl coming towards you, a bright smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. You smiled and met him halfway. "Hi."

"I'm so excited you're here!" He said, bouncing on his toes a little. "This is going to be so much fun -oh! You've gotta come meet the guys-"

Karl snaked one of his hands out of the pocket and grabbed yours, lacing your fingers together as he led you over to the car, where a few other people were gathered around. You recognized Mr. Beast, of course, and he was the first one to look up, smiling as Karl brought you over like an over-eager puppy bringing back the tennis ball.

"Y/N, this is Jimmy, that's Chandler," Karl pointed to the tallest of the group. "And that's Chris." The one closest to the car. "Everyone, this is Y/N."

Jimmy stuck his hand out for you to shake, a gentle smile on his face. "It's really nice of you to come out today, Karl's told us a lot about you." 

You took your hand back from Karl to shake his instead. "Thank you for inviting me, I'm really excited. I've never really done something like this before."

"You're going to love it!" Karl said, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Once we get the cameras set up and everything, and everyone else gets here, Jimmy can explain the rules but trust me it's super fun."

You smiled. "Can't wait."

It took about a half an hour for the rest of the cast to arrive and to get all the filming equipment to get set up properly. You ended up sticking with Karl and Chris, carrying lighting and camera stands to the area you were going to start filming, and then boxes of go-pros and walkie-talkies. The work wasn't hard, but you had to be careful walking. You didn't want to trip while you were holding anything expensive, and constantly looking at Karl wasn't helping. 

There was something different about him though. He was more confident here, in his element and with his friends. 

When the time came to start filming, you found a seat on the ground next to him. 

He bonked his shoulder into your playfully. "Excited?"

"Of course." You said, bonking him back.

Jimmy had gathered all the contestants into a circle around him. There were about fifteen people, which would make for a good game. In the center, Jimmy clapped his hands together, and began to speak. 

"So." He said. "The rules are simple. You can hide anywhere on the street - inside or outside, all the buildings are unlocked. Chandler and I are going to be seeking. Once you're found, your out, no running away or anything. You have to keep your walkie talkie and your go-pro on you at all times. Winner gets a hundred grand. Good?"

Around the circle, everyone murmured their assent and nodded. 

Karl leaned in closer to you to whisper in your ear. "Wanna team up?"

"Sure." You whispered back. You could feel your heart beating excitedly in your chest - the adrenaline already pumping, even though the game hadn't started yet. Maybe it was because Karl was so close.

He tended to have that effect on you.

"When he gives the signal for us to go, stick with me." Karl whispered. "We can make a plan while we run."

"You guys are going to have two minutes before Chandler and I start seeking." Jimmy said. "You can still move around when the two minutes ends, but after two minutes, if we see you, you're out."

You flexed your fingers into the hem of your shirt, gripping the fabric nervously. 

Jimmy watched his watch for a moment, the air around him thick with anticipation. 


A LITTLE LESS SIXTEEN CANDLES; A LITTLE MORE TOUCH ME // Karl Jacobs X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now