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Everyone but Micheal was out, so he decided to invite his friends over to hang out for a bit. They still have a good relationship with eachother even after the accident, and have already apologised to Chris, who forgave them.

"AHA! I win!" Jack shouted out.

They were playing a board game, and this was the 4th round.

"Ok good for you, I'm starting to get bored now." Damien said.

"Why don't I grab some snacks?" Lucas suggested.

"Yeah sure, they're in the cupboard just next to the stove." Micheal informed his friend.

Lucas got up and went into the kitchen, grabbed the snacks out of the cupboard, then turned around, facing a counter that had a plush on it.

The plush was purple in colour, it was darkish and had white, seemingly glowing pupils. Lucas was curious about it so he decided to take it with him back into the living room.

"Hey Micheal." Lucas called his friend.

Micheal turned to him.


"Is this your brother's plush?" Lucas asked.

"No.... I don't think either one of my siblings own a plush that looks like that."

"It kind of reminds me of the golden one that your brother carries with him everywhere." Damien said.

"Oh yeah, I can see a resemblance, the only difference is the colour." Jack agreed.

"William isn't a good man."

There was a knew voice among them, it was coming from the plush.

"Woah! That thing can talk?!" Jack said in a loud voice, surprised, but clearly finding it cool.

"Cool!" Damien agreed.

"Yeah it is, but what it said is kind of odd, isn't it?" Lucas said, wondering a bit if the others found it odd as well.

"Yeah I agree, toys aren't supposed to just say random names, they only speak when you push a trigger to the inbuilt speaker, if they have one." Micheal explained.

"Ok, we know how toys work." Jack said teasingly.

"He's awful, he's dangerous." The plush spoke again.

"Wonder why it keeps talking bad about a William, could be your dad!" Damien joked.

"Oh, haha." Micheal said sarcastically.

"I am talking about his dad." The plush confirmed.

They all were silent, the plush had just directly responded to them, like it could hear them.

"U-Um, I should go and put this back where I found it." Lucas said, getting a little bit freaked out from what it just did.

"Don't let William get near Micheal, he'll try to hurt him." The plush said.

This statement made Jack, Damien and Lucas turn to Micheal.

"There's no way that could be true! Right?...." Damien asked, wanting to get reassurance from his friend.

"U-Um....." Micheal stuttered, trying to think of what to say without lying to his friends, since they would know if he lied.

It's true that William hasn't hurt him, physically at least, but when it came down to it, Micheal had a feeling he would.

"He had a knife last night." The plush said.

This made them all look in pure shock at the plush.

"WHAT?!" Jack shouted out.

"Wait! How do you know that?!" Lucas asked.

They all kind of forgot that they were talking to a toy.

"I know, because I saw him."

"But how-?!" Micheal started, but they all stopped talking when they heard the front door opening.

"We're back!" Clara, Micheal's mother said in a loud, clear voice.

They already saw Elizabeth happily marching on by to her room. Chris soon came to, but stopped to look at them, or more specifically, the plush.

"I.... Thought I took that with me...." He said a bit absentmindedly, confused on how it got into their hands.

"Wait, that's yours?!" Jack asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah." Chris confirmed.

"But isn't yours more gold?" Damien asked.

"It.... Was?"

Chris seemed to try and remember, but he just didn't seem to recall it ever being gold.

"It was always purple." He said.

"Uhm, no offence Chris, but I'm pretty sure it was gold." Micheal said.

Chris shook his head.

"No, it was never gold, and plus, toys can't just change colours."

"I don't remember-" Lucas started, but then Chris unintentionally cut him off.

"Can I have him back now?"

"Him?" Lucas asked, confused.

Chris pointed at his plush.

"Yes, him."

"O-oh! Sure, here you go." Lucas said as he handed Chris his plush.

Once Chris got his plush back he headed to his room, leaving the others to just think about what had happened with the plush.

Fnaf - Not his plushHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin