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Micheal had just woken up, he yawned in bed before getting up and ready for the day. He sleepily dragged himself out of his room and into the corridor.

Before arriving to the top of the stairs though, he heard noise coming from his little brother's room. It sounded like he was talking to someone.

Micheal went and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" Chris said from inside his room.

Micheal opened the door and came in.

"You're up early, well early for you that is."

Chris smiled at him.

"Who were you talking to by the way?"

"Oh, just Shadow."

"Uh, who?"

Chris pointed at his plush that was sitting on his bedside table.

"Him, his full name is Shadow Freddy, but I like calling him Shadow for short."

"Chris, toys can't-"

Once Micheal layed his eyes on Chris's toy he suddenly remembered the event that happened yesterday, and all the weird things he's personally experienced with that plush.

"U-uhm, we should go get breakfast Chris." Micheal said, a bit nervous.

He did not feel comfortable at all being in the same room with that plush, and he didn't want his brother to be near it either.

"There's no need to be scared."

The plush spoke, once again.

Micheal was just wide eyed, it had spoken directly to him, he soon snapped out of his shock though.

"Chris get away from that thing!" Micheal said with urgency.

Chris just looked at him confused though.

"But why?"

"Don't ask questions! Just get here now!" Micheal pleaded, panic showing through.

"I won't hurt anyone, that's the last thing I want to do." The plush said in a calm voice, trying to get the panicked teenager to calm down.

"What even are you?! And why have you latched onto my brother's plush?!" Micheal shouted out, demanding answers.

"Micheal! Is everything alright up there?!" Clara, the boys mother called out.

"Y-Yes mom!" Micheal called back.

"Alright, well you 2 come down soon so you can get breakfast, ok?"

"O-Ok." He responded.

Micheal stood there for a moment as Chris got off the bed and was about to take his plush too.

"Wait!" Micheal said, a bit suddenly, which spooked Chris a little.

Micheal went up to him, quickly grabbed him by the hand, took him out of his room, down the corridor, and to the top of the stairs.

"But, my plush!" Chris protested as they began to walk down the stairs.

"It isn't safe, it isn't natural! Plus you seem to be having trouble remembering that it was gold in the first place!"

"It was never gold! Just like I told you yesterday!"

Micheal sighed with a bit of frustration as they made it to the end of the stairs.

"Look, can you just please not bring it with you? If not for your sake then for mine."

"Do you not like it?" Chris asked.

"It.... Makes me feel really..... uncomfortable." Micheal admitted.

Chris stayed silent for a moment, then smiled.

"Ok, if that's the case I won't bring it with me, so that you won't have to worry!"

Micheal smiled back.

"Thanks bud."

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