Found Out

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William arrived home, he was going to execute his simple but effective plan, he went into Micheal's room, but found that he wasn't there.

He then noticed that Chris wasn't in his room either.

"That's weird." William muttered to himself.

He looked all over the house but couldn't find them, he then looked outside in the garden, but no luck there either.

He decided to go back and check his eldest son's room, then he noticed the closet open and some clothes scattered on the floor behind his bed, like he was in a rush.

He went back to Chris's room and found the same thing there.

It was obvious, they had run away.

William was absolutely furious.

"THIS IS ALL MICHEAL'S DOING! ISN'T IT?!" He shouted out in his mind.

"He probably forced him to go with him...." William muttered to himself with pure hatred, even though he didn't stop to think of how illogical that sounded.

He took out his phone and called 911.

He said to them that his eldest son had constantly "abused" his younger brother, and now he's forcefully taken him somewhere. The last thing he said was that if they needed to shoot, then shoot.

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