Chapter 9: Therum: Archaeology For Dummies

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The crew prepare for insertion onto the planet Therum. Once there, they are quickly assaulted by Shepard's driving skills, or lack thereof. They quickly move in to find Liara T'Soni, hoping to extract her before either the Geth get to her or she tries to escape. Now that Wyatt is back in the game, he proves he has not lost his prior combat and leadership abilities...

Chapter 9:

After a while of me laying down in the rather comfy bed, the door to the room opened. I sat up to see who it was, and Tali was standing there. I sat up fully in bed to address her properly... "Oh, hey Tali." I smiled and gestured for her to come in.

She quickly entered so the door shut behind her. "So, Wyatt..." she began, fumbling with her hands and approaching me. The way she said my name... "I said I wanted to thank you..." she kept walking closer. "And I think I figured out how." she said a bit sheepishly...

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, really, it's..." My face dropped and I cut off as she took her visor off... She was beautiful... "You're..." I didn't have a chance to finish as she unclasped something at the back of her suit and it dropped... Holy shit. I had no words. Fucking gorgeous... She really was stunning. "You're amazing..." I marvelled. She crawled onto the bed, smiling and kissed me deeply...


"AH!" I shot up in bed, drenched in sweat and... Ah. Well, that was a helluva dream... Better than than usual. Much better. But the possible connotation of this dream was... Well... Rather a big thing to consider.

"Commander, are you okay?" SIA asked me and I gave a grunt and a nod, hoping that was enough, which it seemed to be. I swung my legs over the bed, sighed and ran my hands over my face, sat there, thinking. Sure, Tali made an impression on me. And I'd even say she's got a lovely body. And talking to her did make me feel warm inside...

Huh. Fuck.

Hell, from the moment I saved her in that alley, saw her behind that visor... Listened to her... She had me enamoured. Face it, Wyatt, you owe yourself the truth at least you git. I thought for a minute. Had love at first sight given me a kick in the bollocks? Seems so.

Here all of five minutes and already wantin' an alien as a bird. K'nell... I heard an unlocking noise so I looked up, the door opening and... There was Tali standing there.

I tensed and my heart did a stop and drop and I gulped as she entered, my eyes locked on her. "Commander, Crewmember Tali'Zorah reporting... For... Duty." she said the last part quieter as she noticed my look as she walked in. "Are you okay?" she asked and I shook my head to bring myself back.

I gave a cough. "Yeah, sorry. Just waking up..." I smiled to her. Part of me was expecting... No, hoping. Hoping she'd lunge at me and... Well... But, of course, that didn't happen. "Thank you, Tali. Settling in okay?" I asked and she nodded animatedly.

"Yes! Very much so! The engineers have been very kind to me." she said happily and I smiled at her.

Knew she'd settle in the engine room. "That's good, I'm glad." I nodded to her, standing up in my boxers. I swear she gave me a once over.

Did her throat just constrict? "Oh Keelah..." I swear I heard her mutter again. Dunno what that meant... "A-Anyway, I was just reporting that I'm ready." she regained composure and I nodded with a slight smile, resting my hands on Shepard's desk. I released how the room smelled, and how the sheets will... Well, I hope they get cleaned regularly.

"Thanks Tali. Be out in a bit, love." I told her and she gave a slow nod, backing out in no rush. When the door closed, I pushed off the desk and ran my hands down my face. "Fuuuuuckkkkk....!" I said to myself, giving a sigh. Was this really the time for such things?

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