Chapter 16: Down But Not Out

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Wyatt is heavily injured, and it's up to Tali to get him back to the Normandy for treatment. Liara quickly replaces the now injured Wyatt and absent Tali, joining Shepard and Garrus in dealing with The Thorian. Once back on the Normandy, still in critical condition, more of Wyatt's past is revealed to the crew.

Chapter 16:

:Tali's POV:

I saw Wyatt move through the door but one of the colonists jumped at him. Wyatt was quick to counter, as the colonist wasn't nearly as nimble or strong as the Geth from earlier. I watched Wyatt use some kind of move that involved clenching his arm around the colonist's throat. The colonists struggled, but passed out quickly.

We moved as quick as possible as well as Wyatt stood up, his shields having withstood the colonist's fire so far as he moved the unconscious colonist aside. He turned toward them, ready for combat as I saw Shepard prepare another grenade. Suddenly he moved me out of the way and I heard a metallic 'clang!'. I turned again and saw a grenade attached to him...

From what I saw, it wasn't a gas grenade either... "Oh fuck!" came his voice as he quickly shoved me back, into Shepard and Garrus. We went back through the doorway and I managed to see him pull two Creepers to his chest to stop the blast hitting the colonists. All of this occurred in the 5 seconds before the colonist detonated the explosive. When she did, Wyatt hit the wall and then the ground with a resounding 'thud!'.

We all got up and Shepard quickly incapacitated the colonists with a grenade as they were dazed from the explosive blast. We ran over and saw Wyatt was actually smoking from the blast, and unconscious. Garrus and I turned him over and removed his helmet as Shepard covered us. There was blood tricking from the corner of his mouth and a lot from his nose... His chest armour was charred and warped so we couldn't see the damage...

My eyes widened in shock and concern... This wasn't good. "Wyatt!" I exclaimed in worry. I tried to lightly shake him to see if he was conscious. Nothing. I scanned him with my Omni-Tool, but his shields were up, preventing a full medical scan. Proper scanning equipment was needed.

Shepard crouched next to me and got on the comm. "Joker, this is Shepard. You've got incoming. Commander Warwick's been wounded. Tali's coming in with him. Tell Doctor Chakwas to ready the Med Bay and get Liara out here." he ordered down the comm.

There wasn't a beat missed. "Aye Commander. Done." Joker said.

Shepard put his hand on my shoulder, getting my attention. "I need you to get him back to the Normandy. Can you do that?" he asked me.

I took a breath to steady myself. "Yes, Commander." I nodded, determined to get him there. Shepard and Garrus moved forward and cleared out the rest of the colonists with the grenades. I put his arm around me and lifted him onto my shoulders... "Lighter than I thought, but Keelah, you're still heavy." I mumbled out as I stood and activated some physical enhancers I installed in the suit the first day of the mission. It was much easier with them aiding me.

As I moved forward with Wyatt on my shoulders I stopped as I saw Fai Dan pointing a gun at Shepard... Shepard was pointing right back as was Garrus... It was a standoff.

However, Fai Dan seemed to be struggling with the Thorian. "I won't...!" he said about to point the gun at himself, but a gas grenade suddenly went flying toward him. When it was next to his head it detonated and he fell down, passed out. That grenade came from behind me... Not behind me... Next to me... I turned my head and saw Wyatt making that human 'perfect' symbol with his hand to Shepard before passing out again. Shepard nodded the all-clear to me and I ran back to the docking bay.

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