Chapter 33: Virmire: Nuclear Deterrence

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The team quickly move to blow the facility to kingdom come with their nuclear ordinance. However, was the nuke is set, there are some complications... Saren attempts to stop Shepard and Wyatt, who try to reason with him. Once that fails, a fight escalates quickly, and the team work together to try and bring Saren down. Meanwhile, one team member is fighting for their life...

Chapter 33:

Kirrahe then spoke out over the radio. "The Geth are turning from your position, Jaeto. Looks like Shadow kicked a sensitive spot! Alenko, head them off! Hold them out here!" he told the teams.

When we exited the office, the bridge ahead lowered and the one we came on raised... I spotted a Krogan on the other side and tossed a grenade. It stuck on him and I detonated it. The one behind him, Garrus sniped. Got a headshot. The third Liara threw into the sea below us, and he crashed against the rocks. We moved forwards and through a door at the end of the walkway and through a winding corridor and another door. We went down some stairs onto another walkway and along quickly. We headed up a winding ramp and a huge turret came into view... "That turret could punch some nasty holes in the Normandy." he stated to us.

A Krogan on a platform in front of us opened fire, but Tali quickly disabled his shields and put a sizeable hole in his chest with her shotgun. Ahead of a was a Spider-Geth that Shepard scoped and quickly eliminated. We moved forwards and saw there as an area above us that was the AA tower, with Geth manning said tower.

They began to fire at us and we took cover, with two drones coming for us. Tali and Garrus disabled them, leading them to drop from the sky and smash to the ground. The rest of us gunned down the Geth in the tower. We then moved up some stairs into the tower and Tali quickly went to the controls, disabling them.

Suddenly, we were under fire from behind! "Watch out! They must have followed us up!" Liara warned as she lifted the Destroyer and Garrus sniped it in the face. Tali, Shepard and myself all took out the troops that followed, making short work of them.

I pressed the button on the lift and it ascended... When it got there, three Geth were inside... I jumped at one, tearing it's arm off and swinging it as I spun, hitting all three. The Geth without the arm fell whole the other two were staggered. I grabbed one by the head and crushed it in my hand and then swung the body into the final Geth, the impact cleaving it in two.

I was covered in fucking hydraulic fluid again... The others walked into the lift and Shepard hit the button as I stood there. "Your reflexes are great, Commander. Well done." Garrus said to me with a nod, but was smirking at the state my armour was in.

The radio then came on. "Good work on the gun, Shadow Team. Now it's our turn." the Captain told us. The lift then opened and we stepped out into a hallway. We moved down and turned right, going through another door and into the breeding facility. There was a small amount of water on the ground...

We spotted Spider-Geth and instantly clocked them. I hit one mid jump and Garrus hit his the moment it landed. "I win." I smirked and he grumbled. "Told you it wasn't a one-off." I chuckled.

Kirrahe came back on the radio then. "That's it. We need to clear the Geth and set those charges." he told the Teams. We looked to the sides and saw large pods lining the route as we moved to a massive door and opened it... "Charges set! Everyone bunker down. Bunker down!" he exclaimed. The door opened into a large area then and we heard, and felt, the explosion as we walked out.

Joker then spoke over the radio. "All right! That's one less thing to worry about!" he exclaimed happily. We turned left and saw a huge pillar down a small slope in the water as we secured the area. "Commanders, I'm bringing us in. I'll get as close to the site as I can." he told us. We looked up, seeing and hearing the Normandy fly overhead.

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