Chap 2; Girlfriend Instead.

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You walked in the halls of Yuuei, Your Brother Neito Walking next to you. While he was going for a Left turn to Class 1-B, You had Other Plans.

Neito didn't notice you walk straight towards Class 1-A. You walked inside, Some of Class 1-A's student's eyes trailing towards you.

But you didn't pay attention, You only had one reason to be here. "Uraraka Ochaco." You called out, Looking straight to the window, Waiting for her to come infront of you.

Obviously, Ochaco was very Confused by this sudden... call out?

You could hear some whispers, Sounding them out, It seems like they were talking about Rivalry or Something, or how this Might start a fight.

But you were completely oblivious to it.

"Y, Yes?" Ochaco Walked and stood infront of you, Nervously looking at you. Her Brunnete Bob hair cut Swayed left and right as she stopped in her tracks. "You're poor aren't you?"


Even the Students heard it, Obviously. Though the only person who didn't hear the obvious Crack in Ochaco's heart was you.

"Yes...?" Ochaco replied, Still confused though hurt from what you just admittedly said.

"10 million Yen a Month, 5 days of work, Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are your break days, 10 days of holiday every year," You raised your fingers, continuing to say what you thought. "Free food and a Mansion to Top it off." You swished your finger around, Twirling it slightly. "You'll be treated with love and Respect. If anybody dares to hurt you, They'll be punished by the law. Do you have any complaints or Questions?" You put down your hands and stared at her, as she stared back at you.

Her face was completely shocked, not catching some of the things you said.

You didn't really think about the numbers so you just came up with whatever came to your mind at that moment.

"Eh.. What?" Ochaco looked more confused now,

"I'm Hiring you. 10 million Yen is already a big enough deal for.. You." The 'Isn't it Obvious' tone in your voice, "You don't have to worry about hero work or becoming a hero, But if you want to you can." You glanced around the classroom, Simply scanning the gigantic board,"Just be sure to stay at mansion between 6 Pm to 7 Am. Missions that last more than a week are allowed though any miss calls or messages not Received back will be violating the agreement." You looked back at ochaco.

You tilted your head, reaching your hand out to her, "Now Uraraka-chan, do you want to work for me?"

Ochaco couldn't even calculate how much that would benefit her and her Family, she Immediately grasped your hand without thinking Twice. "I accept!"

Ochaco Generally thought you hired her to be your maid or Something, Maybe even Bodyguard considering the Hero work thing.

You stared at her for a couple of Seconds, Clearly seeing the happiness and relief in her face. "Then, You're my girlfriend now." You blurted out without a second Thought.

There was a moment of silence with Ochaco's hand still connected to yours. "W-What?!" Even a few of her classmates asked that.

You tilted your head, confused to why she was confused. "You're my girlfriend now, You're going to be paid 300 thousand Yen a month, Considering that You're still not allowed to marry me until both of us turn 20 or either when we finish school." You nodded, Simply happy with your own explanation.

"B-but! Why girlfriend?!" She asked, You squinted your eyes a bit, Pouting a bit in the inside as you thought that explanation was enough, "Because You're a wife-in-training, You don't know anything about me and I just know small things about you."

"And if you want a small explanation then, It's because I Like you."

And that's basically how you confessed(?) To Ochaco.

Wife-In-Training (Ochaco Uraraka × Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now