Chapter 3

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Nobody POV
The nurse walked out of the room to tell Kuroo about lev."Omg how is he?!"Kuroo said "I'm very sorry sir..."The nurse said "What do you mean..?"Kuroo said in a worried tone "H-He's gone.."The nurse told Kuroo "Please tell me your lying"Kuroo said about to drop in tears."AGH WHERE AM I?"Lev yelled in the room "I thought he was gone?"Kuroo said "But how.?"The nurse said "He came back to life!!"The nurse said as she rushed in the room. "Lev you are in the hospital right now do you Remember anything"The nurse asked Lev "I-I remember crying in the restroom before my eyes shut.."Lev said with a unsure face "Oi lev"Kuroo said when he walked in the room "Kuroo?"Lev said "What are you doing here"Lev asked "After we leave we are gonna have a talk okay?"Kuroo told lev "Yes captain!"Lev said and smiled."Well he's free to go"The nurse said.

When they were in the car~

Nobody's POV
"Where'd you get those wounds and bruises from"Kuroo asked Lev "I-I"Lev stuttered as he fell right into tears "Shh lev it's okay if you don't have to tell me"Kuroo told lev "You were Gone for a few minutes I thought you weren't gonna come to us.."Kuroo continued "You can tell me about those bruises and Wounds when your ready but right now the team is worried about you?"Kuroo finished

I was in tears knowing someone cared for me besides Inuoka but Inuoka is berly there for me.Like I said before I get bruises from Yaku and my wounds are from me cutting myself but,not all my bruises came from yaku.Not all my wounds came from parents they hate me,they say ima mistake and that my sister is better than me.She isnt here right now shes at college. "Okay we're here" I heard Kuroo say "ok uh okay"I say as we both get out of his car.We walk into the gym where everyone was waiting.Everyone was still there,my eyes were puffy and red. "Uh Kuroo can I go wash my face real quick?"I ask "Sure go ahead"Kuroo told me,I walk in I wash my face and all of sudden I start to cough and I start spitting blood.I wasn't surprised this happened to me before,but my parents didnt care so I was never informed to the hospital about it.I leave the restroom and go inside the gym and I was kicked my Yaku "You had us worried?!"Yaku said in a mad tone "Sorry..?"I said I don't know why. "now yaku we could've lost him today if he didn't wake up"Kuroo said "What do you mean"Kenma asked "Well we lost him for a few minuets and he was pronounced dead but all of sudden he woke up"Kuroo said "and also lev when you first woke up you had me scared you didn't know who I was"Kuroo finished.I didn't say nothing but I coughed again and shit blood came out."Uh I got to go"I rushed out the gym and everyone was just staring at me.I rushed all the way back home to my parents..when I got there I already knew what I was going to get.I opened the door my dad with a whip in his had and my mom standing there infront of me,"we got a call from the school saying you were in the hospital?"My dad said in a angry tone "Why couldn't you just die!?"My mom told me "Our life would be much better if you were gone"My mom finished her sentence.And they came closer to me and yeah they beat the shit out of me,what did I do to deserve this?Im planning on killing myself tonight anyways,I'll text the team one final goodbye.

Nekoma GC

Lev:Hey guys how's everyone!
Yaku:Shut up
Kuroo:Lev not now we're practicing,can we txt after we're done
Lev:I just came here to say goodbye lol
Inuoka:Wait why
Lev:No reason I was just bored but anyways bye everyone!❤️
Lev is offline

Nobody's pov
Lev was getting ready to kill himself and wrote a note

Dear everyone,
I hope you see this,I just want tell you thank you for being in my life but I can't handle it anymore.The hatred and abuse towards me.My cuts are just getting bigger and I can't do it anymore so if you read this letter it's my final goodbye so if you do cry over me which I probably know you won't.Just don't because ima waste of space and oxygen um so yeah that's it bye🖤

Nobody's POV
Lev didn't notice that his sister Alisa texted him saying she was on her way to visit.Lev went on top of the roof,his roof was a flat surface so you can walk on it without slipping or anything.Lev was on the edge he left the note In his room.Lev was waiting for the cold air to blow,Alisa got there and saw lev on the edge but she didn't scream.She went inside the house and made her way to the roof and was sneaking up on Lev to pull him away from the edge.The air blew "I guess this a goodbye"Lev said before jumping.


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