Chapter 7

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Nobody POV
"well let's just go back to practice now"Kuroo said and everyone went back to practice "Oh and I also came to ask if Yaku can come with me early?"Alisa said "Yeah he can leave early"Kuroo told her "Okay Yaku go change and let's go"Alisa said "oh uh okay"Yaku said and went to go change to go with Alisa.

After he was done changing~

"Bye everyone"Yaku said before they both walked out the gym."Okay Alisa what did you need?"Yaku asked "Oh you'll see"Alisa said and they walked out the school.Alisa drove Yaku to the cherry blossom tree,and told yaku to go wait for her at the tree.Yaku got off and went straight to the tree and found Lev standing there with bellflower flowers which was his favorite."Oh hi Lev what are you doing here?"Yaku asked him "Well I'm here to confess to someone"Lev said with a huge smile.Yaku was upset thinking he was gonna be there for Lev if the persons rejects him or something."Oh yaku I like you a lot it's okay you don't return your feelings but here I bought you you're favorite flowers can you please be my boyfriend"Lev told Yaku while blushing.Yaku started turning red as a tomato "L-Lev YOU DUMBASS"Yaku yelled "What.."Lev said in a sad tone "Of course I will!"Yaku told lev.Lev grabbed Yaku and pulled him into a hug "Thank you Yaku-San!"Lev said in excitement "You know you can call me Yaku"Yaku told lev "Yeah but I got used to called you Yaku-San"Lev said in a huge smile."Oh okay then"Yaku replied with a huge smile on his face."Wait..but aren't you gonna move"Yaku told lev "Well not anymore"Lev told yaku."Well oh yeah here are the flowers"Lev said while giving yaku the flowers."Howd you even know there were my favorite?"Yaku asked Lev "Well before I "died" I asked kenma and he told me.  "Okay then but did you really tried to kill your self..?"Yaku asked Lev with a FCC very sad tone "Yes I did I'm sorry Yaku-San"Lev apologize to Yaku "Wait then did you stop before doing it"Yaku told lev "No I jumped but Alisa grabbed me in time.."Lev said "Oh but pleas don't do it Lev I need you.."Yaku told lev before grabbing his face and peck him on the lips.He left Lev with a red face "KEHVEKSYVWBSDN"Lev couldn't talk properly "Um lev you okay"Yaku asked Lev "YAKU-SAN KISSED MEISGEHWOWI"Lev said "Oh okay just calm down"Yaku told lev


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