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Beauty, they say is in the eye of the beholder. And accordingly I see a lot of beautiful things everyday.

My helpful little eyes have given me light since birth and ever greatful am I for them.

I saw you from afar, a great masterpiece of nature. You made the sunlight shift to the background and the soft rustle of leaves your theme song as you walked in.
Dear unbelievers, trust me it was love at first sight.

Your aura mesmerized my existence. But then you took a swift glance across the room and I stared back straight at you in awe.
But you shrunk back in fear and comminuted my heart into a million shards.

As the fear in your eyes turned to pity just because you looked into mine, my guilt shrouded me for being an object of your distress.

But why would you blame me for a defect that was never my fault. Why would my assymetry be compared to nature's symmetrical standards set by humans ? Is my love for beauty unattainable because I myself am not beautiful ?

Deep sorrow filled my heart and my eyes, the object of your pain, started to sting me with its unshed tears.

Then my best friend broke my reverie with a bang on the desk before walking right up to you to say, "Well beautiful, don't be afraid, strabismus ain't contagious. But your ignorance might be."

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