Central City pt 2 Saving Elizabeth

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Rachel just stared as she was bundled next to the older man. The goddess Yang had reawakened.

(she is literally a god and actually spent most of her time before she was born as an energy that took the shape of what she would look like at times. This is the first time she has taken physical form and no she won't be reborn.)

And she was even more powerful than Trigon had told her. This was the weak Yang, who would lose her powers in a physical form? Because she seems even more powerful now. She remembered when she had been able to feel Yang when she had gone to rest. She cleared her throat and asked with only a slightly shaky voice why she was needed as she was pulled along.

"I require your assistance to save my niece. And my brother misses you. I know you stayed after Mirage to keep the Titans from killing themselves on a mission. You are now relieved of that."

She just blinked in shock before noticing that they were slowing. Seconds later they came to a stop in the middle of Star Labs cortex. The energy holding her dissipated as Yang lowered herself to the ground and her light dimmed. She looked almost like a normal girl if you didn't see her eyes and ears. The goddess turned to her and smiled.


As soon as he was able to, Joe darted towards Dick and wrapped him in a hug.

"I am so sorry, son. You tried to tell me and I didn't listen, I don't expect you to forgive me."

He trembled as the man he saw as a son wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his shoulder.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Joe. You were just trying to protect Wally from people like his parents."

A shriek broke them apart. Rachel had run to the medical cot and was sobbing as Elizabeth looked at her in shock.

"Mama? Is it really you?"

Rachel sobbed as she nodded. She reached a hand out and cupped the girls cheek.

"I'm here. And I can help you this time. I promise."


"Elizabeth, sweetie, How do you know Rachel?"

Rachel looked at him with wide eyes as Elizabeth laughed.

"Dad, this is my Mama. When Catalina sent me to the lab they had her and they did some stuff with the two of us and we grew close and I started calling her Mama, especially once the darkness was forced in."

Rachel turned to the girl. "I'll tell them the story later. Right now we have to focus on you Sweetheart."

Marinette smiled at Dick reassuringly. "Brother, It will be fine. Trust us."

Rachel nodded before she pulled out a black crystal. "Yang, will you help me?"

To his surprise Marinette nodded. Damian grabbed her wrist and looked at her concerned.

"What if this makes it worse when you go back to normal? Addy told me what happened last time."

She smiled and cupped his face. "I will be alright. Yin should awaken soon and it has eased the consequences of my using my power without him."

Damian looked down and nodded and they were ushered from the room.


Damian paced back and forth as the two worked to help his niece. 'I had hoped it wasn't true, she's Yang. Grandfather killed Yin when I was 3, how do I tell her that Yin isn't going to awaken, He is stuck in the form of a three year old' He paced back and forth faster as Dick looked at him confused.

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