A dragon's wing instead of my arm.

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Today is (Shitnesday)WEDNESDAY! as I love to call it.

Since I was a child, it's been my unlucky day. I always have 100% bad thinks on Tuesdays. If we could skip that day, I'd be happier.

BANG, Ouch! My left arm hits me in the face with hard, thorny things on it.

BAM! my alarm clock is on the floor, I haven't gauged the distance! PFF it's a good start to the day.

I turn it on and EH! EHH! What's happening to me? But it's not true, I'm hallucinating. I have one arm bigger than the other! And what is this skin.

I'm missing 2 fingers! I have 3 huge fingers, one of which is a thumb and ends in claws! my 2 other fingers are reinforced and elongated and there is a membrane that connects the whole thing.

I'm half a bat? Oh, no that' s not true.

I rush in front of the bathroom mirror, classic, (sink, bathtub, shower, cupboards and clothes chute.

My skin on my arm is scaly and it itches everywhere, like an allergic reaction.

Well, I still know how to handle objects and work, but I'll have to keep long-sleeved shirts on.

Okay, let's keep calm! The good news is that it doesn't hurt anymore. It seems like the cure is worse than the pain.

If I go to the doctor, it's going to be a big mess, and my customers might run away. I can't stay like this!

What the hell, I'm getting a lawyer. I have an appointment this afternoon.

Ah, I'm burning up! I'm blowing and I feel that my mouth is hot! Weird!

I drive into town and arrive at the lawyer's office. It felt weird to hold the steering wheel with 3 fingers.

Hello Maître Martin,

Maître : How are you doing? What can I do for you?

Me: "My problem is THAT, showing my left arm."

Shocked, Maitre Martin: If this is a joke, it's in very bad taste.

No, I'm serious. I am afraid of doctors. I want to keep my rights if I transform even more.

And I am afraid that this is only the beginning.

I reassure you. You have nothing to fear. In the worst case if you are no longer responsible I can assign you a legal guardian and a subrogated guardian.

Okay. I would like my mother as guardian and then Sylvie my friend. She has to move in soon. Then you.."

"Mr. Ghram, here are the documents. I will look after you. Here is also a legal attestation that you are in possession of your faculties to date."

Victor went after making copies of the documents for security to different places.

Then he went to Igor's house.

Bam bam bam on the front door.

"Yes yes yes I'm coming" said Igor. "

"What's up? Victor? "

What are you doing with your sick bees?

I can't stay like this!

Igor: I don't know! It's not a disease.

I know you're lying.

No, no, I assure you, here's the bottle. Have it analyzed. Here is also the safety sheet.

Me, a dragon? It's not possible!(TOME 10 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now