Drunk words are sober thoughts

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Charlie walked over to his best friends house excited to hang out with him. They've both been busy the past week and didn't have time to hang out. Well Sam was mostly busy sense he had planned a bunch of streams and recorded a bunch of videos the past week.

Sense Sam lived right next to Charlie the walk was really short.

They've been friends since  Charlie moved here 4 years ago. Charlie was moving his boxes in by himself, struggling because of how small he is, and Sam offered to help. After that they began hanging out regularly until eventually they were glued to each other.

Overtime Charlie developed feelings for Sam but he could never tell him that. He would never tell his friend about the butterflies he got every time they made eye contact, or how fast his heart thumped when he saw Sam smile.

Although Sam was bi and very open minded, Charlie still wasn't ready to open up about his sexuality. Not to mention that he was sure Sam would never develop the same feelings for him.

Charlie knocks on the door softly and smiles when Sam opens it. "Hey! Come in!" He looks up at his friend who had his dark scruffy brown hair neat like he usually did. The light shining in from outside lighting his beautiful blue eyes. Charlie always seemed to be enthralled by those eyes. Glancing at them with every chance he could encounter.

Getting out of his trance Charlie finally enters the house and is instantly hit with the smell of sugar cookies.

Sam had some weird obsession with the smell and had almost everything in that scent.

Charlie sits down on the couch ready for the movie they were planning to watch. They always watched movies together during the weekend, it was just their thing. They tried out various genres and many different movies.

Sam enters the room with two beers in hand which causes Charlie to freeze.

Sam had tried to get Charlie to drink on many occasions, but Charlie always refused. He was a lightweight and got drunk easily. Not to mention he was terrified of what might slip up when he was drunk.

"No no no Sam I can't drink." He says softly. Sam simply smiles and hands the drink to Charlie anyways. "Comon it'll be fine."

Reluctantly Charlie begins drinking it. He had a bad day at work anyways and kind of just wanted to relax. The movie was put on, a simple action movie, and they began watching silently.

Charlie tried to drink slowly but he eventually felt himself start to get more and more loopy. He was half way through his third beer by the time the movie was almost over.

Sam was too but didn't look tipsy at all. He was fully composed laughing and watching the movie.


Sam watched as Charlie began to sway back and forth. His fluffy blonde hair getting in his face. He was only on his third bottle so how was he drunk already? Sam suddenly feels bad for making his friend drink, he knew how much he didn't like it.

"Charlie do you want to go home?" Charlie begins to aggressively shake his head. Sam sighs and decides Charlie will probably fall asleep soon anyways. After he does he can just take Charlie home and make sure he's okay to be alone.

But he didn't. He stopped drinking but now he was laying on top of Sam. "Charlie what are you doing?"

"Cuddles." Sam felt his face heat up, god he's so adorable. "Charlie comon you're gonna be embarrassed tomorrow when you find out you did this." Charlie was laying on Sam's chest and had his arms wrapped around Sam's neck.

Sam tries to move Charlie off but he begins to cry. "What? Why are you crying?"

"Because you don't like me." Sam freezes, what kind of shit is he spitting out? "What do you mean? Of course I like you. You're my best friend."

"Noo not like that. M-moreee then friends." Charlie frowns and sits on top of Sam's stomach. Internally Sam begins to panic not knowing what to do. Why was his friend suddenly acting like this? Although he's never seen what he's like drunk so maybe this is normal.

"Shhhh don't tell Charlie I told you." Sam laughs this time at how stupid his friend sounded. Surely what he was saying was just drunk talk, it couldn't possibly be true.

Friend...the word he hated most. He wished more then anything that they could be more then friends, but he knew that Charlie was straight. It would never happen.

"Okay okay I won't. Now let's go night night okay?" Charlie nodded and fell down on Sam's chest again and began to fall sleep. How on earth is someone able to fall sleep this easily?

Suddenly Sam had the thought to just let it happen. He wanted more then anything to hold Charlie like this. Even if it only lasted for a few hours. He was happy with anything he could get at this point.

He wrapped his arms around Charlie and hugged him with a sweet smile on his face. Sam knew this was the best sleep he was going to get.


Charlie slowly opens his eyes from sleep. Sleep? He didn't mean to fall asleep, is he still at Sam's house? Charlie slowly gets up to see himself on...Sam??!?

He had been laying on top of Sam's chest and Sam had his arm wrapped around him.

Quickly Charlie jumps off the couch and looks around the room. There were a few empty bottles but it looked as though Sam only drank two. If he wasn't drunk why would he let Charlie do that??!?

The noise causes Sam to shift on the couch and rub his eyes. Startled, Charlie is stuck in place and can't seem to move himself. His heart beating rapidly as him and Sam make eye contact.

Ignoring the fact that he was sleeping on Sam, Charlie decides to ask a question that was bothering him even more.

"Uh I-I didn't say anything right?" A smirk appears on Sam's face which makes Charlie's heart race more. What could he have possibly told him? He was so worried something like this would happen if he drank.

"Hmm I mean you did but I'll just let you keep wondering." Sam teased. He knew what Charlie said was a lie, so what was the problem with teasing him about it?

"W-what n-no tell me please."

Sam shakes his head. Oh god this is so bad. Thoughts of what could've happened rack Charlie's brain as he gets more worried.

Charlie is pulled out of thoughts when he feels arms wrap around his waist. "It's okay don't worry about what you said. You were drunk you probably didn't mean it." Charlie didn't realize he was standing close enough to the couch. He was so close that Sam was able to hug him while sitting down.

Without thinking Charlie decides to reply. "N-no when I'm drunk I'm more honest then when I'm sober. I-I-you know I'm a timid person I would never be able to say an-." Charlie stops when he realizes what he just said. The memories start to flood into his mind, and part of him hopes Sam doesn't remember. Maybe if he pretended he didn't remember everything would be fine.

Sam was convinced what Charlie said was drunk talk, but now the truth had been revealed. "You really meant it then?"

"W-what did I say....?" Sam smiles happily and hugs Charlie tighter. He didn't want to tell Charlie yet about what he said. Sam could tell by the way Charlie was acting that it was true. The friend he had fallen for actually returned his feelings. Now Sam could finally flirt with Charlie for real.

"Hm? Nothing don't worry about it. You look really cute right now by the way. Your hair is sticking up." Charlie's face begins to flush and he backs away from Sam with his hands over his face.

"Stop joking with me."

"I'm not joking Charlie."

Charlie stares at Sam's face to find a hint of a lie, but to his luck there was none which made him blush more. Sam usually jokingly flirted with Charlie...but this-this seemed real. Could this possibly mean that Sam returns his feelings..?

"Stop it." Charlie quickly runs out of the house too flustered by what just happened.

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