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Charlie woke up to the comfort of being wrapped in Sam's arm. The panic of yesterday had eased out of him after sleeping.

Yes Sam was going to reveal what he said when he was drunk, and yes Charlie knew it was bad, but was he going to let that worry him at this moment? No instead he was going to enjoy being held by the man he loved.

Suddenly Sam begins to stir awake and he rubs his head into the crook of Charlie's neck. "Good morning." His voice was deep and groggy from sleep. "Good morning." Charlie smiled happily at the act.

"Are you hungry?" Sam says softly resting his head on Charlie's shoulder. "Mhm."

"I'll go make something okay?" Charlie hums in response as he begins to stretch in the bed, Sam already making his way out of the room.

Charlie laid there beginning to get anxious at the conversation him and Sam need to have. Part of him just wanted to blurt out his feeling already, but the more composed side of him voted against that.

Shaking away the thoughts Charlie rises from his bed and decides to get dressed while Sam is making food.


"Is it good?" Charlie nods his head in response as he takes another bite of the French toast Sam had made. Sam of course knew that Charlie loved French toast.

"Hey Charlie, can we talk after we eat?" Charlie almost drops his fork at the words. He knew this was coming, in fact he has been anticipating this topic since he woke up.

"Yeah." Charlie says quietly dropping his head down at his food. "Charlie you don't have to be so worried about it. It's not that big of a deal." To Sam it was a big deal, but part of him still believed that maybe Charlie wasn't serious when he said that. The hopeful side wanted to believe it was true.

A tense fog began to grow between the two as they continued to eat in silence. The growing anticipation and worry gathering in both of their minds.


Charlie sat down on the couch next to Sam. His eyes instantly dropped to his feet. It had always been a habit of his to avoid eye contact, especially in situations like this.

"Charlie look at me please." Sam whines, he hated it whenever Charlie didn't make eye contact. In Sam's eyes it was an important thing to have in a conversation.

Charlie lifts his head up in response and looks in the direction of Sam, still avoiding meeting his eyes directly. "That's a little better. Now I want you to know that whatever you say is fine and we can still be friends either way."

This sentence urks Charlie even more. It made it plainly obvious that this meant the conversation was something that could ruin their friendship. "W-what?" Sam could hear the worry in Charlie's voice.

"It's okay don't get so anxious." Sam smiles at Charlie. "When you were drunk you said some things to me that were questionable...." Sam starts. The anticipation rises into Charlie more until he suddenly can't take it anymore.

"Stop stop stop stop." He says putting his hands on his ears. "Charlie no I didn't mean to word it like that. Let me explain okay?"

Charlie slowly nods in response and begins playing with his shirt. "It's just that I don't know if you meant what you said that night...but it gave me false hope that-."

"It was true." Charlie blurts out. "W-what?" Sam spurts out in utter confusion. The truth had been that Charlie remembered what happened that night. He remembered every detail but part of him didn't want to admit that he did.  Part of him was secretly hoping that Sam would forget about it and not bring it up.

"I remember everything." Charlie mumbles. "W-what?" Charlie groans and throws his head into his hands. "I-I like you okay? A-as more then a friend." He mumbles into his hands. Charlie's heartbeat was speeding at this point, so afraid of what would happen next.

Sam feels his heart almost thump out of his chest at the words. "R-really?"

"Stop you're such an idiot." Charlie groans continuing to hide his face.

In a swift movement Sam pulls Charlie towards him, removing his hands from his face, and connects their lips. At first Charlie was startled by this but he soon began to kiss back. Charlie melts into the kiss and his hands make their way to Sam's hair, tangling his hands in it and tugging on it. The kiss was slightly aggressive but passionate and loving. It was what they both had been craving for so long.

They both pull away, slightly gasping for air as they stare into each other's eyes. "I like you too Charlie." Charlie let's out a chuckle. He couldn't believe it. The kiss already made the butterflies in his stomach worsen, but this just added to it.

"What are you laughing about?"

"I'm just happy I guess?"

"That sounded like a question you idiot." Sam wraps Charlie in a tight hug and they both stay like this, completely absorbing the moment in silence.

"Does this mean we're dating now...?" Charlie questions hesitantly. He had never dated before and wasn't really sure how things work.

Sam let's out a small laugh before responding. "Is that what you want Charlie?"


"Then yes we can."

The boys spent the rest of day chatting to each other about how dumb they were.

"Ugh why didn't we do this sooner."

"Because you're too shy Charlie."

"Shut up." Charlie says throwing a pillow at Sam.

The two Evaporate into a fit of laughter as they begin throwing pillow at each other. Eventually they both settle down and lie down on Charlie's bed.

"So you were jealous of Peter right?"

Charlie feels his face flush. "N-no what?"

Sam laughs. "I knew it!"

Charlie groans and turns away from Sam.

The rest of the day goes on like this, filled with laughter, serious talks, and fun memories. Both of them beyond happy that the other felt the same way.

Charlie X Sam one shorts Where stories live. Discover now