Welcome to Anteiku!

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My eyelids felt heavy; I didn't get enough sleep. Well, how could I? I live in a basement, locked in a cage like an animal. The smell of muck, mold, and dried blood from last night beating it irritated my nose. I'm sensitive to smell slightly felt a slight pressure on my abdomen and noticed Rei's (Juuzo) arms wrapped around me. If Big Madam found us like this, we would be dead but what she doesn't know went kill her. I'd probably go insane in this basement without him. I sifted a little to get comfortable. 

Rei -"Sorry, did I wake you? You were having a nightmare and thrashing around. I didn't want you to hurt yourself, so I held you and then ended up falling asleep." From the dim yellow light, I could make out his smile. It was soft and kind. 

Y/N-"I don't even remember what my nightmare was. Thank you, Rei." I smiled back at him. I lied; I knew exactly what my nightmare was. It's the same one over and over. I dream of the day I got kidnapped. I remember a boy with blue hair and glasses playing with me, calling me his sister. Then he left promising me that he'll come back, but he never did because I was taken. 

We heard Madam singing a tune, and Rei ran back into his bed, pretending he had just woken up. Her footsteps were loud as if to scare us, and it worked. I jolted a little in fear trying to read her. Were dolls to her. However, I can't fight, so Rei is the one fighting all the time. 

Big Madam-"Y/N, I have a new dress for you!" She says as she rattles the rusted bars and yanks me out and into another room. "Yes, sweetie, look at my lovely Y/N, my tasty little girl!" She sniffed me, and she forced a puffy white and black dress. My eye then shot into a ghoul's eye as  I smelled flesh, and Madam but an eyepatch on me.

Y/N-"If you're going to eat me, then do it now!" I snapped at her, and she smacked me.

Big Madam-"How dare you assume that I would want to eat you!" She smacked me once more, but I grabbed her hand and bent it. I wanted to snap her bone, but if I did, Rei would be punished, so I gently let go of her. "Thats what I thought." 

Y/N-"What am I, Madam?" Madam played with my hair, trying to find the perfect hairstyle.

Big Madam-"Your a human, nothing more and nothing less. Now Rei should be getting ready for tonight's fight. He'll be a good boy." 

Y/N-"I can fight too!" I said as I adjusted the eyepatch.

Big Madam-"No! Not today." She walked off, and just like that, I was ready to act like Madam's perfect daughter. My hair was down and white. White like Rei's hair, we look nothing like. Other than the hair we got from Madam's constant punishment. 

I was escorted back to the cage by a guard. She's my usual guard. A ghoul who owes Madam an unpayable debt. She's the nicest of the four regulars; she smells of dry blood and sweat with a hint of sweet plum and an odd combo.

Guard-"You two have 20 minutes together." She pushed me in and locked the cage. I was annoyed because I almost fell into a puddle, and Madam would have my head for getting the dress dirty. 

Rei-"Y/N!" He jumped and hugged me hanging off my neck. He was also dressed up nicely. "HA, look, we're the same height." He started to compare heights, and I hugged him tightly. We were never raised as siblings; instead, Madam wanted Rei to see me as a human and guard me with his life. I knew once he became useless, his final mission for the underground restaurant would be us fighting each other. Now that would sell out tickets. 

We talked about running away someday and living together happily, just him and me. In a house, we can call home. 

Y/N-"Rei, I'm scared." Rei went to his knees, holding my hands, worried as to why I was scared. 

Rei-"Why? Y/N tell me, and I'll take care of it." He sounded concerned, and his eyes were so caring. 

Y/N-"You might die, and I'll be alone, and I-I don't want to be separated." I start to cry into his chest. He hugged me and grabbed my arm.

Juuzo Suzuya (stiches) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now