Chapter 51: Pain

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We left school first because Lia disappeared in a blink of an eye. I'm guessing she'll see Jayden, so there's no point in waiting for her. I told Edward that we should go home because my brain is aching due to the lessons that we have. Like seriously! The only who is enjoying listening to our lectures is Lia. Anyway, when I got home I went to the dining room and our dinner is ready, Channel, Charles and mom are already at the table.

Dinner was great; I'm not tired yet so I went to the kitchen... I'll just make some cookies and I'll bring it to school tomorrow. I can imagine the faces of Relina, Ella, Edward and Lia! They really love my homemade cookies... Especially Lia's drooling face! haha

While I was baking mom called me "Sweetie! Your cellphone is ringing!" Mom said

"Please answer it for me mom, I'm kindda busy here" I answered. After a minute mom went to the kitchen looking worried. "What is it mom?" I ask

"It's Steven" She said

"What does that assh*le want?" I continued baking; I thought it's an emergency.

"Steven said Liana is at the bar where he is right now, drinking like there is no tomorrow" Mom said.

"What?!" I removed my apron, I went to the maid’s dining room and our driver is having dinner because mom doesn't want us to drive at night time, she said it’s dangerous.

"Come on I'll come with you" Mom said and we started to go to moms car "I don't know what that girl is thinking" she started the engine and go "And you young lady" she turned to me "Why didn't you come with her?" she asked

"Well I thought Lia's is with Jayden" I replied. It's normal that mom is worried about Lia and Luke (Lucas' nickname) because like what I said both of them are like family to us. "Wait mom! Do you know what bar where they are?" I ask

"Yes, I already ask Steven where" She said. That's good, I know this is a bother but I called Jerome.

Jerome calling........

"Yoh Chantal! What's up?" he greeted

"Meet us at Greece bar now" I said with an authorize tone

"Yes ma'am! What's the occasion?" He asked

"There's no occasion Jerome, we're going there for Lia" I said

"Isabelle? Why? Is there something wrong?" Jerome's playboy tone of voice changed to a worried tone. I know that he has Relina but Lia is always in Jerome's heart so I called him first.

When we arrived infront of the bar, Jerome is already waiting outside. See what I mean? Still when it comes to Lia he's always there.

"How did you know that she's here?" Jerome asks.

"Steven called" That's the only thing that mom said then she proceed inside the bar.

This bar is so full of teenagers, I’m guessing these are all students like us. We can't see Lia anywhere, I tried calling Steven but he's not answering. We kept on looking; then we went to the second floor where the exclusive bar is and we saw Steven trying to calm Lia.

"Isabelle!" Jerome called the attention of Lia, and he held her arms looking worried "Are you alright?" Jerome asks. Of course she not alright! What kind of question is that? Genius!

"Don't touch me!!! You guys are all the same!!!" That's a shock! Lia is acting different. This is the first time I see her like this.

"B, you're drunk" I felt really worried for her, she's not in her proper mind due to the alcohol in her system.

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