Dowoon (DAY6)

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You woke up, feeling hyped for your first day of school.

"Well, you seem so excited for today" Jae, your older brother stated as soon as he saw you come downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Well, of course, my dear brother. I'll be able to meet them again!!" you exclaimed enthusiastically. "Oh right. It's been a while since you've seen the guys. You probably missed Dowoon like crazy" Jae said and munched down on his bread. "Ya! I do not!" you exclaimed as you rolled your eyes. "Pfft, yeah right" Jae just scoffed and shook his head as he knew you were just denying it.


"We'll be off to school now!!" you and your brother bid goodbye to your parents and went to school together. You couldn't contain your excitement since you're able to go back to your old school again, meet your old friends and of course, you're able to meet your brother's bandmates again after a long period of time.

~Time skip~

You and Jae went down to your brother's car and head towards the school's entrance. Both of you entered the gates of the school but, you noticed that the security guard wasn't there.

"Where is the security guard?" your brother asked.

"How would I know??" you asked your brother sassily which made him roll his eyes.

You were slightly bothered about the security guard though. 'Where is he?' you asked yourself. 

When you were walking to the hallway, you and your brother were both confused as to why there were no students.

"Y/N! Aren't you curious?"Jae asked. "With what?" you asked back while walking.

"How can you be so... chill about this when I'm dying in curiosity?" Jae asked with an upset tone of voice. You looked at him weirdly, disgusted to see him look that way. He just glared at you which made you chuckle. 

"Anyway, what do you mean 'chill'?" you asked again as you looked around. 

"Well... what I'm trying to say is that the security guard isn't here and so are the students" Jae said.

You paused for a bit and looked at your surroundings.

"Bro, you're not the only one who's dying in curiosity" you replied. The atmosphere made you feel a bit anxious.

"But, you're right. What the heck though?? Are we a week early or something?" you exclaimed in confusion as you roamed around the quiet and empty hall. 

"Is there some kind of surprise welcoming party for me??" you asked yourself but unfortunately, your brother heard it. "Pfft. You think you're that special?" he scoffed, teasing you, which just made you roll your eyes. 

Both of you walked slowly around the hall, searching for any signs of students, teachers, or even the security guard but there was no one at all. 

You felt as if there would be an apocalypse anytime soon. 

"Let's split up and search. I'll go right and you go left. Let's meet back here after 10 minutes. If one doesn't return within 10 minutes, we have to go search for each other. You never know what's happening" Jae stated to which you listened attentively. You nodded and followed what your brother told you even though you were a bit scared.


As you both were roaming around, you started to reminisce about the memories you had with your old friends in this school. It's been a while since you came back to this school because a little while back, you transferred to a different school without your brother.

After 10 minutes, you went back to the spot where your brother told you to meet up again but when you've arrived, your brother still wasn't there yet. You decided to wait for another 5 minutes.

After that 5 minutes, your brother still wasn't back yet so you went ahead and search for him.

As you were searching, you ended up in the school's stadium. You noticed that the door was unlocked and was slightly opened.

'Huh? Funny. Why is it unlocked?? Maybe, Jae's here'
you thought to yourself.

"Jae!! Are you there??" you called out several times but got no response.

Suddenly, a spotlight flashed on top of you.

"What the..." you exclaimed, confused and surprised by the sudden light flashing above you.

Unexpectedly, you heard a drum playing.

Your eyes widen. You felt your heart skip a beat.

The stage lights opened revealing your brother with his bandmates holding their instruments. 

You looked at them in shock and felt tears were about to slide down your face.

They all started singing and performed in front of you.

"In life, there aren't many days, When things go your way

There are more days when it didn't go my way

Will today be another one of those days? I'm pretty worried"  
your brother started singing. 

"After I tell you these words, I'm not sure if we can go back to smiling like we are now.

But I have to"  Wonpil continued.

After Wonpil sang, there was a slight pause.

"I like you~ I tried holding it back but I can't anymore"  Young K suddenly continued singing. 

"Now I can tell you, I want to love you" Sungjin finished.

After the song, Jae's bandmates looked at their drummer with a proud smile which was the cue for him to stand up.

As soon as you saw Dowoon stood up, your heart began to race and skip beats.

Dowoon went down the stage and went to you.

"Hey, uhm... Y/N..." Dowoon awkwardly started as he went close to you.

"There's uhm... Something I've been wanting to tell you for a really really really really long time now" he continued as he sheepishly chuckled.

He then looked at you straight to your teary eyes with all seriousness and adoration and carefully held your hands with his right hand and wiped the tears that were falling on your face with the left.

You felt your heart was about to jump out of your chest.

You felt butterflies were tickling your tummy.

"I like you, Y/N. I really do.." Dowoon confessed and tried his best to prevent his face from blushing but failed which you noticed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the one who sang it for you though..." Dowoon chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

You giggled. "You're so adorable" you first stated and pinched his cheeks. 

"I like you too, you cutie" you confessed back and kissed his cheeks. 

"Ya! Ya!" your brother suddenly shouted in a warning tone. You and Dowoon got caught off guard and looked at them with a laugh after looking back at each other. 

Your brother had his arms crossed, shaking his head, sort of warning the both of you that no funny business is allowed but smiled afterward, along with the other members who were smiling proudly, very happy for their maknae who finally had the chance to confess to his long-time crush. 


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