Chapter 24 - Letters

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Warning! Spicy chapter!


After that unsettling discussion with the Emperor, Luke and Nicholas were escorted to a private room and forbidden from leaving without permission. This reminded Luke of when he would be grounded by Frederick. Only this time it was an imperial order.

The bed seemed to be built into the wall with large white pillows, silk blankets, and golden curtains hanging down from the ceiling. There were two chairs set at the foot of the bed and a fireplace to the left. A few portraits of dogs hung on either side with a small crystal chandelier hung in the center.

"Wait, are we sharing one room?" Luke asked after spotting his small bag of clothes in the corner.

Nicholas wandered towards the fireplace and eyed the portraits distractedly. "Yes. I don't trust you out of my sight while we're here. That bastard is trying to use you against me and I'm betting he'll try and snatch you away the first chance he gets."

A weight settled in Luke's chest at the thought of being used as leverage over the Archduke. If he hadn't insisted on coming along, then....

"You don't think he was planning this from the beginning, do you?" Luke suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you didn't tell them I'd be coming along, and that Cortez guy knew my name without any introduction."

Nicholas rubbed his chin. "Yes, that's true. He was probably spying on me and caught wind of our relationship. I should have been more discreet."

Luke knew that was true. If they had kept their friendship secret, then the human may not have been turned into a liability.

Just another thing his Master had been right about.

"Well, there's nothing to do about it now." Nicholas stretched. "I'm sure I can get you out of the capitol before he gets a chance to put his grubby hands on you. The problem is whatever his goal with this whole charade is."

"That's what I was thinking." Luke went to sit on the edge of the bed. "Obviously he's going to do something to manipulate the petition results, but like he said, this whole situation is completely unnecessary since he could just punish you without the public's approval. So what does he have to gain with this?"

Nicholas went stiff, then turned with a sour look on his face. "It's bait."


"Yes, bait. See, he already has most of the Archdukes and nobles under his thumb, but the people generally favor me. Over the past century there's been a number of uprisings by the commoners who demanded the other Archdukes follow my methods. The Emperor even performed a few executions against my supporters and has continued to do so whenever they spoke up. Now he's almost silenced them, but that's not stopping the slander and without them speaking up directly, he can't do anything about it. However, with this petition, he'll literally have a list of names to hunt down."

Luke's eyes widened in horror. "You don't mean he's planning to...?"

The Archduke nodded. "I'm willing to bet that regardless of the results, there will be a series of executions afterwards, and all of the victims will have voted for my leniency."

The human shot from the bed. "You've got to do something about this!"


"Why not?!"

The Vampire walked over forlornly. "Did you forget? He has my knights in his custody. If I oppose him, he will kill them."

"But there are going to be so many more people dying if you don't do anything!"

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