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It was on the last day of school when I saw them. Hand in hand, walking up the path to the school gate. My heart broke that day.

I turned away, looking at the present I wrapped for him the night before sitting on my lap. I was hoping to give it to him in form, but I instantly decided against it.

Mum parked the car and was waiting for me to get out. I plastered on a fake smile and hugged her like nothing was wrong. My bag was heavier than usual, although there was hardly anything in there. I left the scarf I knitted all autumn, wrapped in navy blue paper, with a love confession in disguise, in the boot.

Jake, my best friend, walking hand in hand with the girl of his dreams: Skye Adams, possibly the nicest, smartest and most perfect girl in year 8 - what boy wouldn't fall for her? But I'd never expect it to have been Jake.

It doesn't sound all that bad, really - except for the fact that I've had a crush on Jake since we started in secondary school. I went through the usual - wanting to tell him I like him, knowing he's been my best friend since we were toddlers, not wanting to ruin any of that - almost every day of year 7 and year 8. I can't even remember how I started to like him. I guess I just noticed him more, thought about him more, realised that my heart fluttered whenever we touched.

But of course, this happened to me. The classic bad luck scenario of crushing on your best friend, then getting him snatched up by another girl, who is impossible to hate. Bad luck follows me everywhere. Trust me, if there's a chance I'll slip on wet tiles, I do. If I have my phone in my hand, I will drop it, and the screen will crack. If I like my best friend, he'll love someone else. Honestly, I should've expected it, but I hoped that this time would be different.

But sadly, bad luck always finds a way to ruin my life.

And that day, I really did pluck up the courage to tell Jake how I felt. But I was too late.

Skye stole Jake's heart.

I tried to avoid him in the locker room. But since his locker is right next to mine, it was almost impossible. For the millionth time, I found myself wishing that next year they would change the boy-girl - boy-girl placement of the lockers.

'Hey, Hadley. Happy it's almost Christmas?' Jake said from the locker next to mine as if he didn't just break my heart into billions of pieces.

'Yeah. I guess.' I replied as I stood up to leave. Jake pulled on my laptop bag strap, indicating that he wants me to wait for him. It was always a thing we did. Sometimes he didn't bother with words – it was his thing like mine was talking too much.

'Okay. I have to tell you something.... Do you promise to keep it a secret?' He said quietly, once we were out of earshot. He looked nervous, breathing in heavily and letting out dragon's breath from the cold.

'Y-yes.' I was wishing that he wouldn't talk about Skye, but I knew he would. He didn't stop talking about her these past few weeks.

He'd been talking about her since she came to the school at the start of the term. At first, it was because she was so nice, but then because of her smile, because of the way she laughs, of the way she makes Jake blush. It didn't take me too long to realize he was in love - that was what I always thought about him.

Skye was in our core class, and it didn't take long for her to notice Jake. Of course she would fall in love with him. He's cute and caring, and absolutely the best friend ever. And I just love that he always wears that one tattered trilby hat that's seen better days. I love the way he's gentle and kind, and totally unlike any other boy I've met.

I guess Skye loved all that as well.

Jake took another deep breath and began. 'Okay, so... I asked Skye out on a date yesterday. It was all last minute, but she agreed! It was amazing, awesome.... perfect.'

I suck in a deep breath. A date? I didn't know they were going there?

I was thinking about protesting, about asking why he didn't tell me straight away, like he usually does with anything, anything at all. But I had to be there for my best friend, no matter how bad it hurt me. He's been through enough - I needed to let him have this one.

'And I kissed her.'

My world just about shattered into a million pieces. If only I told him earlier, if only I had told him that I like him before Skye was painted in the picture.

I pulled on another fake smile. 'That's amazing!' I squealed and rushed to hug him. It felt awkward after a second or two. Hugging Jake never felt like that. It always felt like he was my protector like I could rely on him for any reason. Now it felt like I was hugging someone I hardly knew.

Things were different between us now, but maybe Jake didn't realize that.

We walked through the snow, catching up on the usual - gossip, holiday plans, how cold it was. Our form room was right at the back of the school. The school decided that the PE classrooms were the perfect place to make people go to for 10 minutes a day. And look at that! We also get exercise, jogging through the school to the other side for half the morning lessons. I know, my sarcasm is heavenly.

When we arrived at our form room, some people were already there. We came in, lightly dusted with snow, and a warm, cinnamon-scented cloud enveloped us. I sat down in my usual place, with Jake next to me. He kept on chatting, mostly about Skye now, and I didn't say a word.

The rest of the day was mostly like that as well.

He had that dreamy look in his eyes. He couldn't stop talking about her and smiling. It felt like a dagger was twisting inside me.

I rushed out of Art at the end of the day and got to my locker before Jake could catch up. My hands were cold, too cold for me to open my lock with ease. It took me a few tries, and by the time I did open my locker, Jake was by my side. He had paint smudges everywhere, on his hands, and on his uniform. Typical. I couldn't help smiling though.

'Why'd you run off?' He asked. We went everywhere together. We'd wait for each other, and then rush to our next class...

'I - I was cold. And anyway, I need to get home to help mum put up the Christmas – huh?' I stopped mid-way through my sentence because, on the floor in front of me, was a small white card, with glitter on the top, and pretty, black, loopy writing. It was a party invitation.

'Did you get one of those as well?' Jake asked me. I nodded. 'It's at 228 Amber Lane, down by the Esplanade. Tomorrow night.'

'Are you gonna go?' I asked quietly.

'I'm not sure. Depends if Skye is going.'

That's the answer I was hoping I wouldn't get. Of course. He'd rather spend time with his girlfriend than his best friend.

'Are you?'

'No. I'm busy tomorrow.'

'All day?' Jake sounded disappointed. So what? I was the one who had my heartbroken.

'Yeah. I'm sorry.' I stood up quickly and started walking away. 'Happy holidays.' I said, turning around. Through the crowd, I saw Skye walking away with Jake, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Skye stole Jake from me, and I let it happen. I wasn't brave enough, and now I have to suffer the consequences.

Worst last day ever.

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