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second n final part to "overlooked love" enjoy :) x


CJ groggily opened his eyes to the blazing fall sun spilling threw his large casement windows. He felt his body entangled with Dames as the events of the previous night slowly came back to him.

He leant up against the pillow carefully as his growing hang over caught up to him. CJ observed the sleeping man beneath him; studying his beautiful nose, his light freckles and beauty marks that covered his face, he watched the way his lips curled every time he breathed out.

He smiled to himself content, everything made sense when they were together. Even if didn't, he always knew somehow it would.

He thought about how after a tough loss,  Dame would shut everyone out and be in his head going over a million ways he could've played better and how he should've played better if he only he had more time — essentially drowning himself in self hate. After years of falling into that same pattern it was hard for Dame to open himself up to be cared for and loved, but he learned; even if it was in just the slightest ways, like leaving his door unlocked in hopes that CJ would come and comfort him, or letting CJ hold him when times were tough, he wasn't perfect yet and still had his closed off moments but yet CJ was still so so proud of his growth.

Sitting there and reliving those memories made CJ realize it was always them, they were a constant in all the changes, contracts, & "girlfriends". girlfriends.....

His mind wandered to the events that transpired all of this, Ellie breaking up with him. A bitter taste started to form as he remembered their conversation —

"Christian, I'm tired of doing this with you!" Ellie Screamed, her words were slurred but her anger was just as prevalent .

"You always come back smelling like him, you can't hang out because you have to look after him, he wants you to do this, are you his fucking care taker?" She yelled getting in his face

"El, it's not like that baby, he doesn't have anybody down here, he only has me, it's always been us, I just don't like seeing him sad...." CJ  replied softly reaching out to grab Ellie's hand, she slapped his hands away and angrily balled her fists

"Oh so his emotions are more important than mine? I see how it is...."

CJ took a step towards her in an attempt to calm her down


"Don't come closer. Don't lie to me Christian, I see the looks you give each other, I may be blonde but I'm definitely not dumb"

CJ stopped trying to move towards her and searched her face, her expression was no longer angry, it was now blank maybe even pained. He tried to tell himself it was just the alcohol working on her, but deep down he knew she was speaking her truth.

"I didn't want to believe it..." Ellie whispered stepping farther away

CJ stared at her confused

" I didn't want to believe that my boyfriend was in love with his teammate but that's what it is isn't it?"

CJ stared at her stunned. He felt frozen in place and time; as if he all his darkest thoughts that he tried his best suppress had come back to bite him. He desperately wanted to yell and tell her it wasn't true but he wasn't entirely sure it was false either —there was no point in beating a dead horse.

He thought about him and Dames looks, they didn't mean anything, it was just them simply getting caught up in the adrenaline of the moment and loving each other as teammates and brothers,....right? Yea their glances lingered a little too long sometimes even danced around the idea of lust, but they were just teasing best friends....right?

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