Day 5: The Music Tells The Mood | Jazz and Blaster

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Jazz POV
My friend, Blaster, came to Earth soon after Jamie went back to her dimension. It was a surprise to all of us. We worried about what mission we'd be going on since Blaster is on Earth, but Prime assured us Blaster is not here on a mission. We both love music and thought of a way to spend time with Jamie. We know she's found several new bands to listen to this year. We can spend hours listening to music while she works on her stories. Drift also found the footage of a live concert Jamie listens to. She'll be happy to know he found it.

Blaster POV
It's odd Earth, and Cybertron are connected. We can come to Earth as we please, but Prime requested me to keep tabs on the cons who chose to be on Earth. It's been fun hanging out with Jazz and the others. Until a couple of days ago when Prime informed us what Jamie told him. We all know it's going to take time to help her.

We waited until after lunch to go to Crosshairs and Drift's room.
"No, you're not using your speakers," Crosshairs tells me before I ask Jamie to give me her phone. Jamie laughs before turning on her music on her phone, which has a great speaker.

I can't remember the band Jamie, and I listened to before she left, nor does Jazz, but this music is different and dark. We have noticed the music Jamie listens to can reflect how she feels, but that's the challenge; that's not why she listens to a particular band or song all the time. This time it may very well be a reflection of her mood. Even Crosshairs and Drift don't like the music she's chosen.

Jazz POV
I don't like how I am sure this music reflects how Jamie feels and not music she wants to listen to because she likes it. This is supposed to be a happy time, but Jamie is depressed to the point she wants to be dead. Even with all her friends and relationship with Drift. The only good thing is tonight will be a little better.

After an hour of this music, I had to leave. Blaster felt the same way. I can't believe we are going to lie to get away from this music. Before either of us could say anything, Drift asks Jamie if she wants to go out for lunch. Janie agreed, and we headed towards the hanger.
"How do you two deal with hearing that music?" I ask Crosshairs.
"She's usually listening with headphones," he replies.

After lunch, Blaster and I went to talk to Prime, though there's likely nothing new we'd be telling him.

Finally, we're watching the concert footage Drift found. Several other bots want to join us. This music is much better. I wouldn't have mind if we listened to the soundtrack before watching the concert footage.

Blaster POV
This is much better than what we listened to earlier. I wouldn't have mind listening to the soundtrack then watch the concert footage. It's still a good day with Jamie and Jazz.

13 Days of Christmas 2020 ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang