62. Leonardo Leaves

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"My children, I have some news," Master Splinter says.

The six mutants all look to one another, then back up at their father. The dojo is still, as though even it is anxiously awaiting the rat's next words. Taylor is out looking for a new job, April and Casey are looking at apartments together, and Annalise is at college, of course; still referring to the mere month she's been gone.

"I'm very proud of how far you've all come. However, these last few years have been very easy on us, and I fear that your team will lose some of its...teamwork." He strokes his goatee. "Leonardo needs more leadership training, and because of this, I have decided it is time for him to take a trip to Africa..." Everyone's eyes widen, and Destiny grabs Leonardo's hand out of instinct. "...alone."

"What?!" Destiny demands, her wings flapping once in surprise. "How is being away from his team teaching leadership?"

The wise rat narrows his gaze. "I hope that he will be able to help the people there and observe the way that they live. There is much strife in that part of the world that simple acts of heroism and judgment can do. It can be an eye-opening experience for him."

"But...how long? Why does he have to go alone?" Her voice is nearly breaking. "Why?"

"Des...he has his reasons," Leo says softly. "I...I've known about this for a while."

Her attention reverts back to her boyfriend in a blink. "And you didn't tell me?" she demands.

"Um, Father? Can we leave them alone?" Donatello asks nervously.

"Please?" Raphael adds.

Splinter almost smiles, still not used to the change of title that he's earned. His sons, having completed their training, now call him father instead of Sensei. Destiny still refers to him by the latter, seeing as she only just became an official kunoichi.

"I believe that is a wise choice," the wise ninjutsu master agrees.

The entire group strides from the dojo at a swift pace, leaving Leo and Destiny alone. She stares at him, her wild green eyes slightly hurt and her wings and tail sagged.

He sighs, opening his arms to her. She scoots closer, snuggling against his plastron and letting him hold her. She takes a shaky breath.

"So...you're really leaving?" she whispers.

He takes a deep breath. "Yeah..."

There's a beat of silence before she murmurs, "How long?"

"A year or two."

She shuts her eyes, clinging to him even tighter. He pulls her completely onto his lap, holding her as close as he possibly can.

"We'll be able to write..but video chats will be rare..." he says, trying to find light of a rather somber occasion.

"I'll...I'll be okay."

She sniffs, her eyes shutting briefly again. He notices the tears growing in her eyes and frowns, a stab of guilt going through him. He cups her face, turning her towards him a little more.

"Are you angry?" he asks.

She shakes her head. "I'll just miss you...a lot."

He leans forwards and kisses her gently. "I'll miss you too."


"Bags? A few human patches? Money? Everything?" Destiny asks, fretting far more than Leonardo.

"Yes yes. I've got everything," he repeats.

They fall silent, meeting each other's eyes. Destiny's bottom lip trembles as she embraces Leo tightly. He hugs her close as she buries her face in his shoulder, her body trembling.

"I love you, Destiny," he whispers. "Always."

She nods, tears running down her face. "I love you too, Leo."

He releases her and reaches into his bag, pulling out one of his spare masks. He unties his current one and replaces it swiftly. His old mask remains clenched in his three-fingered hand.

"Here. Hold onto this as a promise. Alright?" he asks, holding the blue fabric out to her. "I don't have a ring...but it's sort of the same idea."

She takes the "promise mask", her hands shaking as she nods through the tears. He takes a deep breath, grabbing his single bag and turning away. She watches him start to leave, her heart aching.

"Leonardo," she calls, her voice soft and weak.

For a moment, he remembers the last time she called out to him before they parted ways. He remembers the cold air, the snow drifting from the grey sky and the Foot bots awaiting him within the construction site. Hopefully, this won't have the same outcome as that day so many years ago.

He turns around and she throws herself into his arms again, pressing a long kiss to his lips. He tangles his fingers in her hair, never wanting to leave her as their bodies press against one another. She breaks away, their foreheads touching and their lips hovering near each other as her hand grazes his cheek.

"Always," she whispers.

He gives her one more kiss, wanting to feel as close to her as possible before they're separated. He turns and heads away down the tunnel, feeling as if the strings of his heart are tugging him back to the most amazing relationship he's ever had with a woman. Even so, he keeps his feet moving, trying not to look back.

She watches his retreating form, his mask clutched in her hand. She ties it around her neck, touching the long tails gently.

"Return to me soon, my love."

Together As Mutants (Book Six)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora