Prologue part 1

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Everything in the world has a purpose- no, not just the world but the whole universe. Roles have been assigned whether it be directly or indirectly, distinctively or indistinctively to every single existence. Mind my use of 'existance' not 'living organism'. This is of the fact that words like living or dead applies to the substances or matter that possess life - but the word 'existance' ranges to a much broader realm , applying to even our whole universe at large. Not just the living but both the life and the lifeless, as in even a stone or a radier based drifter or even a whole planet at large scale is worthy of being deemed as an existence.

If that's the case, then just as how a living being can cross to soulless, so then how exactly does an existence cease to exist?

Yes, your thinking is that for a stone you just have to send it flying straight into a pond, right?- no , that still doesn't satisfy the criterion of universal non-existence due to the fact that such might cease to exist in your scope of eye view but still does exist on a wider sight outside your view.

You might also make the assumption that :"ok, all I have to do for the stone to relieve existence is to grind it to dust, isn't that so?", Wrong again.The statues of the stone still remains however as a different more negligible form of existence , one that not many people will consider as so.

Then what exactly is true extinction if I might as again? Simple . In only two words - TOTAL OBLITERATION.

But how could such a feat possibly be even imaginable ? you may ask . The answer lies at the Grand and decided authority of an ancient occurrence, a being whose existence can never be quenched, a god yet a creature in physical, with age rivalrous to that of the stars, a force of nature in itself, the finite infinite - unlimited. It's work, it's speciality, it's results .....

The dry earth crackled and wavered intensely, uncontrollably, resulting to lots of man-size chasms branching at various angles tearing at the earth like striations. It's surface being anything but smooth and leveled as flakes of grasses and earth matter were displaced and dispersed violently into the atmosphere.The earth groaned and rumbled in pain as the disturbance worsened, barely able to withstand the ongoing upheaval wasting away at it's surface-

Hundreds. Yes, more than one thousand two hundred human automatons - bionic organisms, were deployed from the humongous radier engined waver called - The Modem. Ten drifters trailed slowly but steadily at it's behind ,all creating air current that swept away at the dense dark clouds.

The Modem - elongated and in semblance to an airship, with the exemption of being about a hundred time in size. It's almost mercury- like, sterling silver plated body gave of an eerie appearance totally standing out from the swirling , storming atmosphere. The waver( Modem)was supported in the air by Radier-powered field generators situated at it's underside, echoing blue circular waves of hyperfrequency enough to graze an entire mansion off its foundation. It glided steadily almost serenely, in the deep clouds that tried in vains to conceal most of it's volumptous presence , making almost no noise like a slowly approaching terror of the sky, except for the strained workings of the generators giving off noises similar to the screeching of a metal fork on iron- extremely loud up close and very disturbing,Yes.

It exuberate an aura of war, gliding gently in zigzag pathways like the movement of a paramecium - but very, very slow.

The automatons were lunched from numerous circular and swollen metallic lines of symmetry from the Waver - streaks of faint radiation and gas gave way from the numerous holes formed like a dent as the cybernetic organisms were lunched non-stop like a gunshot with no recoil. They went diving straight, piercing through the great blanket of swirling grey cotton that covered the sky like missiles, the atmosphere wreaked with the stench of metals.

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