How to Rumor the FBI

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We sat at the dinner table all in new outfits (except Five) after the conversation. There was complete silence. Five insisted on the uniform for some reason he simply washed it while he showered. Everybody looked themselves it was almost nostalgic. I had a tye dye crop top and ripped jeans with my hair in a ponytail with a scrunchie. Then I heard laughter.

"Why are you laughing" I snapped at Luther

"I'm just imagining old you dressed like this"

"I am blending in and this is how I shall do so take the advise from somebody who has been in every time period and had to blend in to each and every one"

"Relax baby serial killer" somebody said probably Klaus so I simmered down

"So Pogo is dead, we don't have mom and it is just us" I said in shock trying to full understand this

"Yeah" Diego said looking like he might cry so I consoled him

"Allison, Five can you two come with me?" I said out of nowhere

"Why" Luther said

"The FBI is still after us and we just murdered ten people"

"And we will rumor them" Allison tried to confirm


I used my teleportation because it is stronger then Five's and we landed at the FBI building. We ended up spending the entire day rumoring the FBI to make sure that we where in the clear then we went back home.

"So we did that now about the timeline and the damage"

"Hey hey Camilla are you okay you have been using your powers all day"

I was out. It felt as if I was floating then everything stopped and I woke up in a field everything was bleak I sat up to see a young girl on a bike.

"Oh yeah I'm not dealing with you"

"What" I yelled jumping up "what are you talking about who are you"

"You are dead you died of a combination of dehydration, exhaustion and stress I haven't seen it too often but you are going back, in other words I am making you immortal"

"How do I know this isn't a dream"

"In dreams you only see people you have meet have you meet me"


"There now leave"

"Wait why are you doing this"

"You remind me of Number Four I think you call him Klaus"

I tried to take deep breaths but I couldn't. Where was I it resembled the infirmary there where tubes and wires connected to me and I was on a metal bed. I was alone and cold, why would dad not even bother to add any heat source in here. I tried to talk, nothing. Sitting up I seen a note.

Dear Camilla,
You where dead for hours we wrote this the moment you came back. If you are reading this we are pawning decor from the bedrooms for money so we can have ours back. Don't try to leave the bed just rest we don't want to loose you again. We should be back soon unless Klaus gets in the way. And thank Five for saving you and doing all that weird medical shit it is freaky how good he is.

I chuckled at the last part and laid back down. I was falling asleep only to be waken up instantly by Diego running in with Five behind him. That's a first. I still pretended to stay asleep and listened to them talk.

"Those wounds still looked fresh how long was she there"

"Couldn't have been longer then a couple weeks fourteen days at the longest"

"How was she even functioning"

"No clue"

"Says the boy who hid a SHRAPNEL wound from us"

"Not the time"

"What if there are an-"

Then I fell back asleep for a bit.

"Shit" I hear multiple voices say

I cracked my eyes open to see Five, Diego and Klaus. I sat up only to hit my head on a lamp.

"What the hell is Klaus doing here"

"I was bored so I came to watch them try to save you"

I got shoved back down by Diego he used my arms to pull me down looking hesitant.

"Hey! What was that for"

"You have internal bleeding because you are like Five and have no clue how to tell somebody if you are hurt"

Now both Diego and Klaus where holding me down and Diego was closing his eyes very tight so I turned my head to my right. Five appeared to be holding a needle with some liquid.

"W- w- what is th- that" I asked him

"A sedative now that you are awake and I have to operate to save your dumbass don't worry it's a simple procedure and you will get plenty of morphine after"

"Dont just give me the morphine now I would rather be awake so these assholes don't fuck up" my voice was very raspy

"If you say so"

I closed my eyes because of the pain and then I felt a poke eventually realizing that bastard gave me the sedative instead. He knew that I wasn't thinking straight when I said that I wanted to stay awake.

"Fuck you" I slurred as I fell asleep hearing a indistinct chuckle from Five and felt Diego and Klaus let go.

The moment I was able to get up so I called a family meeting to discuss our options on what to do next. That was only a few hours after I woke up though.

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