Two Options

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A/N: To celebrate my birthday here is a extra chapter 

We each had to make our own portals. It was dangerous to transport multiple people after drinking and we just left the bar. Five gave me the equations they looked wrong but we had no choice.

"You should land at some point in between April 1st 2018 and the day of the apocalypse"

The thought of landing that day scared me but I knew the chances where low and this was basically my only chance. I opened my portal as Five opened his I seen a street it was daytime then I landed on the pavement people where looking at me then I heard a voice.

"Baby sister awww you are still a baby"

I seen a lanky man in a odd coat and even odder shirt with leather pants and heavy eyeliner. I then realized this was the man I buried all those years ago. Alive. Breathing. I broke down in his arms ignoring the fact that I am a child again.

"What happened"

"Your alive"

"Want to come with me I was getting my hand tattoos redone let's go"

"What day is it"

"Why I am far to high to know we can ask Mikey later"

"That your dealer I'm assuming"


I gave myself Allison's powers and walked in with Klaus. I thought that I should do this with Klaus because of all the times I helped him and I wanted a way to never forget him. Was it impulsive? Hell yeah. Do I regret it? Nope.

"I heard a rumor you let us get any tattoos we want and they will be free"

The man's eyes turned white and he stared at us

"What would you two like"

We then left the tattoo shop and I looked at my new hand tattoos in awe

"We have two options and no I won't sugarcoat it we can either negotiate with the commission and have nothing but be in our original timeline or we can stay here and I will travel through timelines and get Claire and if I get lucky Ben and we can stay here" I said taking a breath in between most words and getting dirty looks from Five because I yelled at him when he tried to give me anything for the pain and I was "overworking" myself.

"The second one"

"Option two"

"Go rest"

Everybody said something like that because we really had no clue what it would be like if we picked the first one. Once everybody left Five stayed and he looked at me in the eye with a cold stare.

"If you let me give you the damn morphine I will help you get a briefcase look at the damn monitors your blood pressure is through the roof I have no clue how you are alive right now"


He gave it to me I didn't like the idea of getting anything. I was so busy and being high would get in the way. I only caved for the briefcase. Which he had almost immediately after thanks to time travel. He had the briefcase engineered so it would take us to the original timeline then he set the date to the apocalypse at 6:00 pm just four hours till the moon exploded.

"Oooo a briefcase can I hold it"

"Not till your sober"


"You are high"

"No shit Sherlock"

"I'm done with you LUTHER"

"Piss off"

"What is it Five" I heard Luther's voice and got a chill down my spine

"Babysit her" then with a flash of blue he left

"I want cheese" I whined

"Your vitals look normal"

"Bla bla bla" I said annoyed "I want potato RAW" I yelled very loudly

"Is she okay" somebody asked

"No clue"

"She's high" it was Diego

"How do you know"

"Shut up and go"

"Heyyy" Diego softly said as he sat down by me

"I want to time travel" I muttered

"When you are better"


"Woah woah what's with all the yelling" a calm voice said

"I'm babysitting a high fifty eight year old who wants to time travel" Diego muttered

"Watch me time travel you will all be astonished" I was now using the back of the couch for support as I was leaning on it to look at Klaus.

"Wait till you are sober so you can use your powers" Klaus put a gentle hand on my shoulder

"Hey do you know how fast you metabolize things" Diego turned to me

"Duh I survived forty five years in a apocalypse"

"How fast is it"

"Very fast"

"I will speak to Five later"

I turned to Klaus "Why is he so protective over me"

"Consider yourself lucky he would never act like that over anybody else except maybe Vanya or Ben"

"Ughhhhhhhhh" I smashed my face into the couch "I want to time travel"

Eventually I was alone with the briefcase. That was about half an hour later because Diego wanted some eggs. I was sober enough to teleport too. I ripped out my iv and put on a band aid I had in my pocket and took off the monitors then put on a grey hoodie with Mickey Mouse on it. Once I was ready I opened the briefcase and landed at a apartment. It took me a moment then I realized it was where Allison lived. I held my breath and knocked on the door.

(Tua oc) Tales From a Time Traveling AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now