Option Two

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"Hello?" A tall man answered the door I recognized him from a magazine. He is Claire's dad.

"Heyyy I am Camilla, Claire's aunt."

"Oh" He looked pissed

"I came all this way, I wanted to meet her"

"Allison told me you where missing along with Five"

"You see this" I held up my briefcase "this is how you time travel, the apocalypse is tonight"
I started to walk in "I decided that I should meet Claire before she dies a horrible death or I could save her" then I turned back to the man with a stern look on my face "pack Claire's things I'm not letting her die tonight and if you don't believe me in about two to three hours, look in the sky at the moon it will explode and destroy the world" He gave me a weird look then the phone rang. Without even glaring at the phone I knew who it was.

"It's Allison, I've got it"

Hey Lulu


I time traveled to save Claire

Can you get her


"I'm getting Claire" and I ran to her

"Hey Claire wake up"

"Where's Papa"

"In the Kitchen your mommy and uncle Luther want to speak to you"

"Mama? Spaceboy?"


I brought her to the phone and she started talking to them.

"Are you positive about this thing"

"I'm dead serious now you should start packing I can only bring what we can carry so get two backpacks and maybe a box"

"Fine but Camilla how long is it"

"Ten minutes but we have one hour till then so hurry"

Claire finished the phone call. She stared at me as I leaned on the couch for support sipping water.

"Your my aunty that went missing"


"How do you still look like a kid" I didn't want to say the truth. So I lied a little.

"My powers"

"Where is Papa"

"He's packing your stuff"


"We're time traveling"

Five will get so mad when I return but it will be worth it. I set the briefcase and watched Claire's dad and Claire pack. While they did that I sat just outside the apartment and looked at the moon. It hurt me a little to know that the world would have such a horrible fate. I thought all about that night, this night. I looked at my watch and thought about how at that moment I was being suspended into the air with energy tentacles.

I seen Allison trembling holding the gun to Vanya's head just beside it then she pulled the trigger and we all fell. A beam of energy pierced the moon. The moon crumbled. This is how humanity would end.

I tried to think of something happier as I waited. I didn't exactly have many happy memories now that I thought about it then I seen the energy beam, Vanya's energy beam. Claire's dad and Claire walked outside with Claire's stuff.

"It's time" I said my voice trembling.

He looked at the moon and handed me her stuff and we got ready.

Exit Music (For a Film) by Radiohead

"Bye bye Papa"

I held back tears and held Claire's hand tightly but not too tight and I opened the briefcase and in a flash of blue we where gone.


I landed in what looked an alley I couldn't exactly tell at the moment. I adjusted my skirt and stood up. Once I wasn't dizzy anymore I walked around and the moment I left the alley I heard gunshots and teleported inside the building nearby trembling.

"Why do I of all people have to experience this right now"

A flash of blue appeared and Five was there.

"Good I already found one of you"

Bam! The Moon Rock hit Earth.

"I present to you the inaugural class of The Umbrella Academy"

I stood at the end of the line. For some reason blood never made me squeamish. I comforted Ben, ignoring Dad's voice in my head saying it was a bad idea and all my possible punishments. I felt sorry for Ben he hated his power and was covered in blood with all he can smell being the metallic smell of blood.

Magma everywhere setting the world into flames.

I stared at the convenience store that had just closed. I went invisible and teleported in and grabbed a cart.

"Wooooooo" I yelled. My hair blowing everywhere as the cart went down the aisle with me in it. This went on for a while until my energy started to run low. I jumped out of the cart and eyed a Red Bull. Making it go invisible and I took one big drink then threw it on the floor and blinked out.

I walked down the street and got a glimpse of a girl who looked like Vanya. I didn't think much of it at the time. We both stared at the TVs. She walked to a pay phone and once I fully processed what I was looking at I kicked the glass.


Then I blinked to the rehab center to pick up Klaus since he just got discharged.

The world had ended. This was the apocalypse. Humanity was completely wiped out and everything was destroyed. One day later two siblings appeared out of nowhere a boy and a girl. Five Hargreeves and Camilla Hargreeves.

"So Claire here we are, your mom is here and all your aunts and uncles, brace yourself Uncle Five will be very mad at me"



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