A new (apocalypse free) life

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How to grow up

Hmmm how do I grow up? I never had a childhood it was all military style training and a crash forty five year long camping trip. What is a childhood like? Looks like it's time to learn.

"Hey Allie" I said after blinking into her room accidentally scaring her "sorry"

"What is it" she asked

"What is a real childhood like mainly for somebody my physical age"

"School, friends, and doing what makes you happy and discovering yourself"

"Thank you Allie" and I blinked away and to my desk

How to grow up
1. School
2. Make friends
3. Find what makes you happy
4. Discover myself

School will be the hardest because legally I don't exist. The second hardest is making friends because I was never taught social skills. So what makes me happy

Attempt One At Finding What Makes me Happy: Cooking

Say Amen by Panic! At the Disco

"Bingo!" Cookies should be easy right? I haven't cooked since I was a kid that will be a problem. After retrieving all the ingredients and measuring them I began mixing. Which is not as easy as I remembered

"Shit!" I exclaimed

Flour was everywhere. I knew HOW to cook but I wasn't good at it. It was stressing me out. I washed my hands and tried to finish the cookies. I thought maybe using my hands would be easier then a fork. After a long battle of me vs dough I put them in the oven and picked up a pen and started drawing on the bare space on the recipe card. I felt more joy then I had in over forty years. There where no worries anymore just me, the pencil, and the paper. Before I knew it the timer went off. I took the burnt cookies out of the oven and finished the picture and smiled. I found what made me happy. It feels good to finally find something that makes me smile.

"What are these" I voice asked and I looked up to see Klaus holding a cookie.

"A cookie"

"Ben says it looks like my poop" Klaus said grimacing

"How does Ben know what your poop looks like" Klaus walked away with his black coat flowing as he walked.

I grabbed my picture and blinked into my room. Setting the picture down I looked at my list and crossed off the third one

How to grow up
1. School
2. Make friends
4. Discover myself

What do I do now? I legally am dead so school is mostly a idea full of legal problems. I have no clue how to talk to people. I don't know who I am outside of a serial killer. It felt like all these where connected, and I had no clue who I am anymore. I am a anomaly, I don't belong anywhere at this point. How do you know who you are if you don't belong. I sat at my desk staring at the clipboard, the neatly written letters destroying me.

What do you do in a world where you technically don't even exist. Time Travel is a messy thing you can easily eliminate your existence and become a stranger to the world you once knew. Blindly changing everything.

What if I could change everything I just ruined. It would be near impossible. How to make the world less of a mess. Eliminating Hazel and Cha Cha. Stopping the apocalypse. Suspending a conscience into a separate body 7-8 times. So much to do that entirely is impossible. Barely, I could do it but in so little time. This was truly a insane idea but the math would be simpler then what Five and I did to leave the apocalypse. Move timelines and suspend the consciences into their bodies at that moment.

After several hours I did the math and rounded everybody up. Five and Diego had returned from apparently the Commission to figure out what we did wrong. There was a slight change in plans but in the end we had a plan on what to do and how our lives would return to normal. The only problem was Claire. I would have to suspend myself into a separate version of myself but it could work. We opened the new briefcase and landed at the dinner right after Reginald wanted Five and I. I peered down at my backpack from 2019 and picked it up. I examined my outfit. I was wearing the academy uniform. Reginald stared at us and Five clutched the briefcase as Allison did the honors.

"I heard a rumor you forgot all about this dinner"

Then we scrambled together and went to 2019. I landed at the apartment I was just at not so long ago and blinked to the academy Five had a margarita in hand then Diego stared yelling while he was on the floor covered in glass.

"Shit we need to get Vanya, Millie come with me"

What was he talking about. Get Vanya? Where was she? I knew it was serious I only heard that nickname in very serious situations. I followed Diego as we went down to the basement and there Vanya was. She was in a bleak cage like an animal crying on the floor. I wasted no time and the moment I saw her I blinked in and took her out as fast as I could and I held her on the floor as she cried. I didn't say one word.

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