Chapter 3: Never have I ever

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"Let's play never have I ever, I'll start. Never have I ever gotten drunk." Kaminari responds shocking everybody

"You've never, gotten drunk" Mina says what everyone else was thinking.

"Well, yah. When people describe it, it always sounds exactly like when I over use my quirk. That happened enough during school, it wouldn't be fun. It would be school, so I haven't." Kaminari explains

"Ooh, ok," everyone mutters to themselves. Mina, Shinso, Kirishima, Jirou, and Bakugou put their fingers down. Along with Shoto, Sero and Deku, who without thinking, puts his finger down.

Everyone is so shocked they can't even ask anything. Bakugou see this and uses it to his advantage. "Never have I ever snuck out after lights out." He says as he looks at Deku, who puts a finger down along with Shoto, Jirou, and Tokoyami.

Sero was the first to speak up, "The fuck, really Deku."

"Y-yah" Deku says as he looks at the floor and rubs his neck in embarrassment. "I g-guess I can go next." Everyone was still too shocked to respond. "N-never have I e-ever cheated on a test," no one puts a finger down. They all know what would happen if they got caught.

They keep playing, everyone assuming Bakugou was involved in Deku getting drunk. Once it gets back around to Bakugou targets Deku again. "Never have I ever sent explicit pictures," he says with a smirk at Deku.

A couple of the boys but their fingers down, Hagakure (because she's invisible no one could tell anyway), and Deku. Again no one knows what to say, Deku, their cute little cinnamon roll, had sent explicit pics! At this point Deku realizes what Bakugou is doing and decides to play along.

He doesn't care at this point if he keeps up his act. He sits up and leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees and looks at Bakugou with a devilish smile. "Never have I ever" he pauses "told someone to kill themselves." He says this with no stutter, and more confidence than anyone had ever seen him have.

"Who would even tell someone something like that," Mina questions.

Deku puts up one finger, "just wait."

Bakugou slowly puts a finger down. "Bro, that's like the least manly thing you could do." Kirishima is completely shocked at what he just learned about his best friend.

"I don't regret what I said; I would still go back and do it again. I mean he didn't listen to me, did you Deku?" No one was surprised at who it was but at how calm Deku was while calling him out. Deku had never been someone to stand up for himself, and never had they expected him to stand up to Bakugou of all people.

After a minute Mina spoke up, "Why don't we play truth or dare?" everyone nodded their heads partly wanting to move on from what just happened.

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