Chapter 7: What just happened

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It was the end of the night I we all had to leave.

"Ok. Sorry guys. It's time for you all to go back home. I wish you all could stay, but, I have to get home," he says over the loud speakers again.

Everyone starts to file out, but there are a few people who are rushing to the front. "Thanks for the company." He lifts me up by my waist and dangles my feet over the edge of the stage, "I hope to see you again, Shoto." He let goes of my waist and lowers me down by my hand that I didn't know he grabbed.

"Holy crap, how did that happen," Mina askes me with an open mouth.

"He just walked over to me and asked if I wanted to dance."

"But he kissed you, why, how? And how did he know about Midoriya?" this time it was Sero who was questioning me.

"He asked my name, then why I wasn't dancing with anybody. After that he walked to the back and asked if he could kiss me." Thinking back on it, I'm getting butterflies in my stomach. While it was happening I wasn't able think fast enough to get nerves. But wait, I didn't think I told him my last name, I must have.

"We have to get back to the dorms. If we wait much longer the night guard is going to change, and you know that he doesn't like us. We will be in so much trouble," Kaminari tries to hurry us out.

We all agreed and started to walk back. I want paying attention and before I knew it I was back into by bed. I hear a creak outside my door and I go just to make sure that it's not a teacher. But it was just Midoriya.

"Oh, h-hello Todoroki. S-sorry if I woke you," Midoriya apologizes for nothing, I just got back.

"Don't worry, we just got back," I get a slight blush as I think about the kiss again. I know that it wasn't him, but it was just as I imaged it would be like if I were to kiss him.

That was last year. I've gone to other raves, all with Tremor, but I was never brave enough to go back to the stage. He probably doesn't even remember me at this point.

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