Part One

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"No, y'all are crazy! She is still just a child!", Asuka yelled, her hands in her hair from frustration. "Come on, Eleven, stop exaggerating like that. She is not just a child- I bet she's seen more of the world than you", One took up her argument. He rubbed his beard as if he was considering something.

"She is not a child, she's 19. At that age I had already killed more people than Seven ever could ik his entire life.". Nine asserted while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Yeah, you! Weren't you literally teaching her the best ways to torture? And I don't know who raised you, but that's not how a childhood is supposed to go!", the scientist yelled to drown out the objective noise Gaetano made. "Back me up on this one, will you?", she ordered Six, who'd followed the discussion with close interest.

"Personally, I agree with the stated argument that Five is not a kid anymore, but I disagree with letting her murder that man", he imparted the group. "And I also think we should've considered asking her before we started arguing about this."

"All right, all right, let's not fight over this. Let's vote. Democracy, right?", One tried to shush the heated situation. Everyone agreed, silence filling the room. "Everyone who thinks Five should do it, raise your hand."

Gaetano, Tadashi and Elena raised their hands. Hiroshi blankly looked in front of him and Asuka shot One a disapproving glare. "What?", the latter mimicked, causing Asuka to roll her eyes in pure annoyance.

"I think she could do it!", Ten suddenly shouted, her voice way too enthusiastic for this situation, while raising her hand. "This is not about her being able to do it, it's about her innocence! She may no longer be a child, but she isn't an adult either", Eleven exclaimed, her patience was running out.

"She's not an adult? But I thought you were learning her how to drive, Gaetano? Then she must be 18 or older, right? So I think she'll be alright".

At that point, the assassin thought he was going to die. Not only did Eleven and One look at him with faces that were predicting an early death, Six, who normally wore a very stoic expression despite his rather cheerful personality, stared at him with pure malice. "How dare you", he spoke with a soft, menacing voice, on the edge of losing his cool.

"Ah, well, she asked me to!", attempted weakly to defended himself. "She asked it so nice, I couldn't refuse!"

"She should've learned it anyway, so I don't see the problem here".

"Shut up, Nine, the problem is not that he learned her how to drive, the problem is that he learned her how to drive", One shot out at her.


"What's wrong with my driving? Huh?", Gaetano aggressively asked, rolling up his sleeves as if he was going to fight anyone who dared to criticise his driving skills.

"You drive like a madman, Seven", Hiroshi retorted with a sight.

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"Yeah sure, I'll do it".

"Are you sure, Rei?", One asked, his face looking slightly worried.

"Sure! It's not like he will be the first man I'll kill, so I don't see why not", the teen smiled reassuring while putting the groceries she just bought on the kitchen table.

One sighted. He knew he had agreed with her doing the job, but that didn't mean he was happy with it, no, it was the contrary. Five was currently the longest surviving member of the team.

She'd known Two, Three and Four and had worked together with them, had finished off missions with them and even saw one of them dying right in front of her. He knew she was good enough to kill their current target, mentally speaking, but all the people she'd killed until now were mere soldiers, bodyguards or hired assassins.

To complete this mission, she had to get close enough to kill him in a way that no one would notice. She'd have to find a moment when he was with her alone, not surrounded by bodyguards or other people, and strike quickly.

However, at this moment, she was the only one capable of finishing the job since she was a young woman, who were mostly overlooked for being considered weak. Nine, who used to be a spy, had became too much of a sadist to murder a target without making a ruckus.

One had always tried his best to keep Rei as close as possible. She had always been his youngest recruit, and they had the same eyes. He couldn't help but thinking of her as the daughter he never had.

"You do realise you'll have to stay there for a longer period of time, right? We won't be able to celebrate your birthday together", he sadly reminded her.

"I know. But it's like you always said, right? The mission comes first. Besides, we are kinda like an illegal organisation sorta thing, so honestly, birthdays should be the last thing on our minds", she laughingly said, her green eyes holding contact with his own green eyes.

"That is true", the older man smirked while patting her head. "You make dinner."

"What? That's not fair! I already did the grocery shopping!".

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"All right pals, this is the moment where we'll stop playing at war and start with the real deal. The military bases we've been blowing up for the past couple of months are under command of Jozef Castro, the current dictator of the Republic of Hass, located in the Mitene Union."

One gestured towards Ten and she gave him a picture of a thin, ugly man with the most greasy moustache imaginable. He pinned the picture on a large bulletin board.

"He is a cruel, ferocious bastard who abuses his power to exploit his nation. Any form of resistance or protest was immediately quashed by the army. Now, they may be a small nation, but their army is the largest expenditure they make. Castro has surrounded himself with five men, the only men he trusts. Four of them have divided leadership over the army. Their names Rafael Castillo, Shunsuke Hirata, Eugene Flores and Makoto Takasugi, all middle aged men without wife and children, which is one of the requirements all his generals have to meet."

Ten handed him a bunch of pictures, which he hung under and next to Jozef Castro, connecting them by using a black thread.

"However, these generals only command the army. The true mastermind is Keira Wenli, head of security. He makes most of the decisions. He is the closest to Castro and travels a lot around the world for the dictators filthy businesses."

Another picture was pinned on the bulletin board, right above the dictator.

"Our first job is to take him out. If we do that, the army will falter and we will have the possibility to overthrow the dictatorship." One looked around the room, studying the faces of his companions.

"We will proceed as follows.."

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ᴀʟᴇxɪᴛʜʏᴍɪᴀ ➳ 𝘐𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘡𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now