Part Five

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"Holy fuck", Milluki muttered under his breath. Rei laughed at his nauseous face. "Aahh, don't be such a wuss, Milluki! Can't handle a bit of blood and loose limbs?"

Her words almost made him throw up and he gagged with his hands in front of his mouth, much to Rei's amusement. It had been a while since she had been able to relax like this. It had been difficult to adjust to this place at first, with its heavy doors, cutlery, cups, toothbrushes and even toilet seats, and the past couple of months had been filled with trainings sessions with Zeno, who hadn't given her a single day of rest the entire time.

First, he had insisted on only the physical training. Stating that her current physical strength wouldn't even been enough to open a door in the Zoldyck estate-which was true, she'd found out that soon enough- he made her do crazy exercises until she was able to open six of the seven front gates.

Once he had stated her body was strong enough, and had started to expose her to extreme torture, injected her with all types of poison and only said that if she couldn't endure or survive it, she hadn't been worthy to receive training from the Zoldyck family. She wouldn't even have been worthy to be here.

Because she already had a pretty flexible body and extraordinary reflexes, Zeno didn't ought it necessary for her to be trained in acrobatics. However, he did make her do daily flexibility exercises. Now she was able to do things like pleating herself double and putting a leg in her neck.

When he thought she was ready for it, he decided she could spar with him. He learned her how to make her blows count, how feint properly, how to lure an opponent in and, most importantly, how to avoid giving your opponent an opening while doing so.

Only after all of that he thought she was ready to start training Nen with him, but that she could take a break first.

She hadn't told him yet that she was actually familiar with Nen and had already developed her own skills. She was curious about what he would come up with for her.

At first, Silva had prohibited for Rei to enter the main estate, but she endured her training way longer than he expected. He even came to watch some of her training sessions, even if it was just five minutes, Rei took that as a signal he was warming up towards the fact of her stay ate Kukuroo mountain.

Eventually, she had earned his respect and he allowed her to interact with Milluki and Alluka. Rei considered the both of them as friends, even though Milluki could be annoying as fuck and was a disgusting eater. She and Alluka had a huge age difference and the boy could come out sharply, which ensured that they mostly ended up arguing
- even though they both mean it ironically most of the time.

Apparently there were two other children in the family, Killua, who'd ran away -she didn't blame him though, the Zoldyck estate wasn't a place you'd plan a cosy holiday to- and Illumi, who'd been home a couple of times, but never long enough to meet him.

So here she was, lying lazily on the couch with a can of soda in her hand, watching Attack on Titan with Milluki. Even though he was the one who suggested the show, he was appearing incredibly pale.

"You know, we can just watch something else if you're too weak to watch this, Milluki", her tone genuinely concerned. Rei never realised the show was that disturbing to watch. He shook his head and continued to watch the screen.

‼️ Attack on Titan season 1 spoiler ‼️


They watched how two kids got carried away from their house by a blonde male, while their mom was lying under the remains of it. A Titan was standing right above her. It has blonde hair and it's mouth was forced into a wicked smile. It reached out, pushed the fragments of the house aside and grabbed the mother, who was screaming for her life. She tried to struggle, but it's grip around her body was too tight. To stop her struggling, the Titan broke her backbone. It opened its mouth, almost in slow motion, and-

"What the hell are you watching".

‼️ end spoiler ‼️

Milluki screamed, almost passed out and tossed his chips through the room. Rei was frightened to death, partly because of Milluki's scream, partly because of the person who had spoken, but she managed to keep her cool on the outside and turned around to look who was asking.

She had expected it to be a butler she hadn't met yet -she never really spent much time in the main estate, even though she was now permitted to.

A tall, expressionless male with long, jet-black hair and black doe eyes was standing casually behind the couch, as if he just hadn't sneaked up to them. His clothing was interestingly decorated with round head pins, but something told Rei they were not just for decorative purposes.

"It's just Attack on Titan, aniki", Milluki explained, still looking extremely disturbed from the scene they'd just witnessed. His older brother scowled, he knew his younger brother was too much of a coward to watch this. "Why?"

"Because he wanted to prove he isn't a scaredy-cat."

Illumi looked at her for the first time since he had entered the room. He had expected the guest his father told him about to be intimidated, quiet and timid, but Rei was exactly the opposite. Loud, enthusiastic, confident.

Another reason why she shouldn't be here. Illumi had disagreed with his father's decision to allow his grandfather to have a student. She will spread information about us. She doesn't take any of us seriously. Looking at her smiling face made him irritated and angry.

Sweat started to form on Milluki's forehead. His older brother may have an unreadable expression, but he knew Illumi was angry. And when Illumi was angry, he better got out of here as fast as he could.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

And with those words he left the room, closing the door harshly behind him. Rei, who'd noticed the oldest Zoldyck child's anger only when his bloodlust started to ooze, was still sitting unfazed on the couch.

"You are not worthy."

Illumi hadn't expected his bloodlust alone would be strong enough to completely overawe her and his expectation wasn't wrong. She stood up, warily, but yet with a daring look in her eyes.

"Am I not?"

ᴀʟᴇxɪᴛʜʏᴍɪᴀ ➳ 𝘐𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘡𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz