Part Seven

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After the little incident with Illumi, her days went back to harsh training with no breaks. Zeno made her start from zero all over again, as he had planned.

She'd train from dawn till nightfall, day after day, with no breaks. It was harsh, it was though, but even if she felt like collapsing, she never stopped.

Get stronger.

Only that thought kept her going, her resolve strong and unbreakable. Zeno obviously didn't say it out loud, but he was actually very impressed by her skills and determination.

Due those factors, he decided it was time to develop a suitable Hatsu ability for her.

"You know how it works?", Zeno asked, placing a cup filled with water on the table. One of Rei's brows rose when he added a leaf to the water.

"I have no idea what you're doing."

Zeno turned swiftly, his posture bend over as it always was. "It's a test. To find out what kind of Nen type you have. Just hold your hands next to the cup and focus your Aura there."

Wrinkles appeared in Rei's forehead. She'd never really known what her Nen type was. After her training with Raaja, she just used Nen as she pleased, only starting to successfully enter people's minds a few years after.

She shrugged and approached the cup. Her hands folded around it and she focussed. Slowly, the leaf started to spin. It kept spinning while it sunk to the bottom of the glass. When it had reached the bottom, it came back up, still slowly spinning. Rei watched in awe, enchanted by the little miracle.

"You're a specialist."

Rei lost her concentrating and looked at Zeno instead. "How can you tell?"

He explained her how every Nen type causes the water and leaf to make a specific change, but Specialists don't fall within that category.

Rei understood. It was logical if she thought about it, but she wondered why One or the others never told her, only to realise immediately after that they probably thought she knew. What kind of Hunter didn't even know his own Nen type?

"I actually should've known that."
Rei sighted, she couldn't believe how she was still so much behind on all this stuff. She thought she'd done a pretty good job staying alive all this time with the A.N. but actually, she realised she was lucky to be alive.

"Oh, you already have mastered some type of ability?" Zeno shouldn't even be surprised at this moment. When he found out she already knew how to use Nen, he should've been prepared for anything, but he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Her Aura was so surprisingly subtle, it was scary. She could limitatie her Ten to the flow of an ordinary peoples Aura. Her control was beyond anything Zeno had expected, but her Ren was weirdly vicious. Zetsu was something she'd learned herself at a young age, to hunt animals in the jungle.

So, at least that had been what Zeno thought, they'd start thinking about a Hatsu for her.

"Yeah, I called it Soul Weaver.", Rei nodded enthusiastically. She was proud of that ability, it had taken her four whole years to adjust it to what it was now. She knew it wasn't that strong and it wasn't really suitable for combat, but it was quite helpful for her work with the A.N. and it gave the possibility to completely destroy your opponents pure mentally.

"Show me."

"Can I use it on you?"

"Go ahead."

Rei decided it would be rude to just intrude the memories of her sensei, so a combination of Mind Palace and Copy Paste it was.

She couldn't directly share memories from her Mind Palace with other people. To do so, she had to 'sacrifice' Nen to make a copy of it. She could share the copy as many times she was capable of, which wasn't much since Rei's Aura expansion wasn't impressive.

Rei sat down and positioned herself as if she was going to meditate. Her eyes closed and she concentrated. All noises faded away, she cut herself completely off from her surroundings. She felt herself fall down, like she jumped off a cliff. Suddenly ground appeared beneath her feet, and she was standing in a library made in Doric Order.

The floor was a black marmer and her footsteps echoed in the spacious place. Her eyes scanned the dark brown, elegant bookshelves, looking for a certain memorie to copy. Not much later she found what she'd been looking for.

Her hand clenched around a black folder with a hard cover. The letters written on it with a curly handwriting said: 'Daisy'.

Rei smiled unconsciously. It were nice memories. When she looked back at those, they almost seemed to be from another life.

After Rei's grandmother died, she was captured and sold as a slave. The people that had bought her was the family Yukako. They were rich, busy and urgently looking for a playmate for their daughter, Daisy.

She and Daisy had been like two peas in a pot. They did everything together, from studying to sleeping. She learned so much from the girl. However Rei couldn't stay. The last words her grandmother spoke kept twirling in her head, holding her awake at night.

'Become strong, Rei, and protect. The strong must protect the weak, that's how it's always been. You have so much talent. Don't waste it. Don't..'

Rei opened the map. Images left the folder in and roamed around, surrounded by her own old, grey Aura. She focused new Aura into her hands, causing the images to be attracted to her left hand.

A little sweat drop formed on her forehead. Her concentration was reaching its peak. Copying a memory with a duration of 24 hours in all detail took an average of 24 minutes. It was actually quite irregular. It all depended on her concentration, which would peak on certain days, but totally disappeared on others.

There had been one long period when it had seemed like her head went wandering, she hadn't been able to properly use her Nen that whole time and then, it just stabilised.

Rei's mind was clear, so concentrating was not a problem at all. The folders contents swirled through her head. She precisely selected what she wanted to share. What she didn't need to copy went automatically back into the folder.

Then, the copying process started. The first piece of memory played. Since this was her own memory, and only a short piece of it, the copying didn't take that much time. The Aura in her hands coloured the same, cold grey as the memories were surrounded by when they came out of the folder.

Meanwhile, Zeno was observing Rei's actions. He was not able to see her Mind Palace nor knew he what she was doing. He gazed at the Aura Rei focussed to her hands.

One eyebrow rose when the Aura coloured grey in her left hand and when the Aura in her right hand coloured as well he blinked. He waited, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.

After a well counted 17 minutes, the Aura in Rei's right hand coloured white again and she let the Aura go.

His student opened her eyes.
"Do you trust me, sensei?"

Zeno remained quiet.
"Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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