Part Two

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"Don't you think this is a bit too much? I look like I just walked out of the set from 'Dining with the Stars' ".

"No, no, it's perfectly fine. You need to look like a rich woman in her mid-twenty's. Those are usually his interlocutors on business trips, according to the footage Ten tapped from the cameras. We want him to notice you, but not to notice you, got it?". She nodded.

One avoided Rei's green orbs and stroked absently through the hair of her wig, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. She took his hand in her own hands, making him look down to her."I'll be all right, you know that."

"I do. But we won't be able to pick you up right away. You'll be alone in Yorknew City, at least for three days. What if they chase you? None of us will be able to help you and-"

"Good, because I don't need help. Weren't you the one who insisted I took those extra free-running lessons, so I could figure out how to combine that with the experience I gained in the Ninjutsu Dojo? I think I'll do very well on my own, thank you."

Tadashi smiled and squeezed her hands softly. She was as determined as ever.

"I know. It's just, this is the first time I've had to send someone into a dangerous situation on their own. This time, Ten won't even be able to watch through surveillance cameras. The only contact we'll have will be when you finished your mission."

Rei answered his smile with one of her own.

"Look, as long as I stay unnoticed, it won't be a problem. You just focus on getting your own job done and kill that piece of shitty dictator, along with his four puppets."

He sighted.
"Do you even have an idea what the word danger means? Just be careful, okay?"

"Yes, dad, I will", Rei snickered, pulling her hands back to cross her arms in front of her chest in a relaxed pose.

"Dad? Do I really look that old already? Damn, I should do something about it then. Is it the beard?", he laughed.

⇄ ✧ ⇆

Rei paced through the small appartement, some violin music was playing in the background. She'd been here since two days, while the others had departed to the Republic of Hass. She'd tried to figure out if Keira Wenli had a daily routine, a regularity, or something in that direction, which he, unfortunately, hadn't.

On the other hand, this evening he would be attending a party, organised by a business relation in a nightclub in the city. If she could infiltrate there, she might be able to create an opportunity to kill him.

But first, she'd need Tadashi's permission, and he hadn't answered her message yet. Rei was impatient, so she'd already begun to gather the necessarily equipment for tonight.

His answer came while she was collecting the little throwing knifes Nine had given her for New Year.

From: Unknown
The children asked the clown for a balloon. 


From: Unknown
The clown gave them a green balloon.


⇄ ✧ ⇆

Rei fiddled with her faux fur coat. She felt a bit overdressed and uncomfortable in the green wiggle dress, golden necklaces and green ankle pumps she was wearing, but she knew she had to fit in.

While making her way to the back entrance of the club, she felt her thigh holsters pressing against each other. An odd mix of nervousness, excitement and some weird kind of homesickness were constantly present.

She repeated the plan in her head. Right now, she was almost at the backdoor of the club, the entrance meant for staff. It was badly secured, so it was her easy way in without an invitation. After breaking in, the improvising would start. She had to find Keira Wenli and create or find an opportunity where she'd with him alone.

The door wasn't even locked or secured, much to Rei's luck. "One, I'm going in now. If I don't contact you before 2.00 pm, consider the mission a failure."
"Roger that." A short pauze followed. "Good luck, Five."Rei hissed between her teeth. "Whatcha say good luck for? Saying good luck is bad luck!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I take it back".
"Taking it back is even worse luck!". Was he really that determined on making her anxious?
"Go, go, go, go", he shooed her while breaking contact.

Rei took a deep breath before silently opening the door. She made her way towards the black double doors in front of her, begint which the music seemed to come from. As quiet as she could, while being cautious that no one would open one of the side doors, she tippy-toed through the dim-lighted corridor.

Her heart was beating so hard that it almost drew out the remix of the popular popsong, which had played a lot on the radio recently, that was currently beaming through the club. While opening the doors in a -hopefully- ordinary and easy to be overlooked manner, a sharp adrenaline rush send shivers down her spine.

She rightened her shoulders and casually walked into the club lounge. As soon as she entered the smell of alcohol and sweat entered her nose. The room in front of her was incredibly spacious, a large dance floor was created in the middle of it. On her right was the bar, where six servers were constantly rushing back and forth and a bartender was serving the people on the barstools. On her left was a small parlour created, where small groups of people were discussing.

She blinked twice at the scene in front of her. This was not the kind of party she had expected. Men and women were drinking, dancing in very sexual ways or having a full make out session on the dance floor.

Trying to keep a straight face, she strode towards the bar with a hopefully elegant demeanour. She knew for sure this bar only sold alcohol. It wasn't like she'd never had alcohol before. Gaetano always smuggled alcohol into his room, and after their driving lessons he shared some with her. She just would've preferred to stay sober on her first solo mission.

"One Bourbon, please", she ordered the bartender, while taking a seat on one of the available velvet barstools. "Yes, miss". It felt weird to be addressed so formally. As she was sipping from her drink, she noticed a man standing up from his seat in the parlour.

She took a big sip when she recognised him, causing her to choke on her drink, which she covered by coughing slightly. He hadn't noticed her yet, but it was necessary that he would. She saw him walking towards the bar. Excitement rushed through her veins, this couldn't get any better. She didn't even need to make her way to him; he was coming to her.

He crossed the dance floor, declining offers from drunk partygoers.

"One Sazerac". His voice was cold and deep, and so were his eyes. They were the same kind of blue as Six's, but had nothing of his warmth. She knew she had to draw his attention somehow, but she felt like it would be too suspicious if she started a conversation. So she waited until the bartender came back with his drink and she asked him if he could keep her coat behind the bar for her.

"Why didn't you hang it in the cloakroom, miss?"
"I don't think servants such as you are should be questioning the actions of their obvious superior", Wenli intervened, his cold tone even creepier than before. Bingo! One told her he was a narcissist, a creep and a wacko, turned out he was damned right. The bartender didn't ask any more questions and putted the coat away.

"Thank you, sir ..?"
"Wenli. The name is Wenli."

⇄ ✧ ⇆

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