Twins' Powers Vote!

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I have a few ideas and explanations for the powers for Viper and Jericho's twins, but I don't know what to use and stuff. So, I need your help. Again. Sorry!

1. Power
• explanation
♡ twin it's for

1. Poison celestial keys
• they can use any kid of celestial keys, but their power is stronger with poison/snake oriented keys
♡ Taipan

2. Celestial dragonslayer
• if you want explanation just look at Allumos. I want to avoid this one, but I'll use it
♡ Sunbeam

3. Dragon keys
• they can summon different dragons. The dragons aren't real dragons, they are made of magic, but they do have personalities and stuff
♡ Sunbeam

4. Celestial magic
• they can create magic stars and use power from celestial bodies [including stars]. they can also tell vaguely the future
♡ Taipan

Vote ends at 4:30 on December 25th, may be extended to 4:30 on December 26th.



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