Chapter 6: Hatred and Fear

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Light began to preach the words of the Bible, everyone in the room was watching and eating, everyone except for Jade, Alex, and Charli. 

The girls never had a good experience with a priest. It was paywall after paywall with them, didn't fund the church? To hell, you go. 

Not to mention the almost weekly ceremonies held to burn witches. Those ceremonies always made the girls sick, not only the smell and sight but imagining that happening to them was hard to not think of. 

It's said that burning alive is the most painful thing a person can experience, and from the screams that rang inside their heads, it was easy to believe. 

How could he, this so-called great priest, Light, be preaching love and acceptance when he routinely burned girls? The face of a priest as they burn a witch haunts the girls' dreams. That sick, disgusting smile, so innocent and sweet while watching the flesh being melted off of a body, the blood that drips down with the skin, creating a horrific sight. How can they possibly sleep at night after listening to a girl no older than 25 screaming bloody murder? How do they rationalize it? 

Monsters. Every single one of them. 

Hearing Light read passages about loving others was like nails on a chalkboard, scratching slowly, as the owner of said nails watches people cover their ears and cry for them to stop. 

Ephesians 4:32, Proverbs 3:3-4, 1 Peter 4:8, John 15:12, Romans 12:10, all of it was just hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. 

A mix of anger and fear bubbled inside of the witches' chests,  how dare he say such loving lines while killing innocents. 

After what felt like eons, Light finally closed the bible with the ending line, "And remember, God loves you and he always will, no matter how many sins you commit," Light watched as everyone cheered, spilling wine and food on the floor. It disgusted the girls, so much wasted when a village, not even five miles away was dying of starvation. Light cleared his throat, grasping the attention of the room once again, "However, the one sin that can never be forgiven and will always show hatred from God is WITCHCRAFT!" 

The room cheered once more, more aggressive, fists in the air. It would've been suspicious if the witches didn't join in the cheering. 

"Witches are evil, disgusting people!" Jade screamed, it felt like swallowing knives.

"Calling them people would be an insult to humanity! They're things, things from the devil!" chanted Alex, the sentence was dry as she felt as if her throat was grasped with a fist, a collar that's well deserved as she chokes.

"Burn the witches, burn the witches!" Charli cheered, her body felt cold as if she was floating in an icy lake to prove she herself was a witch.

The cheering settled down as everyone sat back in their chairs and ate. Light got off the stage, he smiled and exchanged a couple of kind words with everyone. If he wasn't a murderer in the girls' eyes he'd seem like a great person. 

Light came by their table and grabbed Alex's shoulder, Alex flinched. Heavily. Feeling those cold fingers on her shoulder to be greeted with the smiling face of a murderer was something that made her almost jump into Jade's lap and fall out of the chair. 

"Woah, careful there! What's with the flitching, you aren't a witch are you?" Light jokingly asked, laughing. Alex forced a laugh, wanting to shake Light's hand off her shoulder, "Hahaha.. no of course not!" She nervously giggled, everything in her body was screaming to get into the fetal position, almost brought to tears. "Thought so, you're too pretty to be a witch anyway." 

Light let go of Alex's shoulder, she sighed in relief, but that wouldn't last for long. Light sat at their table and grabbed some food, the tenseness in the atmosphere skyrocketed as the witches uncomfortably ate next to their slayer. 

Conversations were the worst. The girls already didn't feel exactly the most comfortable talking to the princes, but now a priest? 

They've never had a good experience with a priest. 

Always sick smiles, paywalls, and disgusting obsession with murdering witches. What did the witches ever do wrong? Why were they so bad to the point they deserved to be punished by death?

All personal experiences were unpleasant as well. They hate everyone, everyone except for "normal" people. What defines a normal person? Why are certain people not considered "normal"? 

Does normality even exist in social environments?

That's beside the point, "How are you enjoying your job as a priest?" Drake asked, taking a sip of his wine. "I love it! Everyone's so nice and I'm so glad to be spreading love and the word of god around!" Light cheers, Alex, Jade, and Charli all cringe to themselves. Yeah, that's some 'love' alright they'd think to themselves.

"Good to know, you're doing incredible out there!" Zach congratulated, the two clinked their cups before going back to drinking their wine. They sat in silence, eating, and then Light looks over to the three girls as they eat, "Hey, I have a question," he asks, grabbing the attention of the three. "Y-yes?" Charli squeaked, almost dropping her food. 

"Why do you guys wear those cloaks?" He asks, pointing to the satin black cloaks that rest on the girl's shoulders and backs. "Because we like them?" Jade answers, trying not to seem suspicious. Really, they wore the cloaks to easily hide their face whenever, it was a little "just in case" thing. It also allowed them to easily transport their books and wands wherever without getting caught. "Is that all?" Light asks, his eyes squinting with suspicion. The girls nodded, trying to play it off as an "it just looks cool" thing. 

The two princes shrug, paying no mind to the unnerving conversation, "Hey Light, didn't you tell us that you'd be holding an event tomorrow?" Zach asks, pointing a chicken leg at him before turning it back to himself and taking a bite. 

"Oh yes!" Light exclaims, "Tomorrow we'll be burning some of those witches on the stake in the middle of a small town!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaa I'm again, SO SORRY for not updating for a few months!! I really need to leave some rough drafts out so I can easily pick back up the pace even if I'm gone for a year. I hope this chapter was done alright! I forgot how fun it was to write in this book lol

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