Chapter 13: Letters

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The sun peeked through the windows in the stone castle, within the hallways the sound of heels clicked against the stone flooring.

Alex was back working again, after Charli comforted her and made the promise of getting out of there, she had felt better, she had her cry and now could work again. A basket of wet, freshly washed laundry in her arms as she carried it from the laundry room down to the garden to hang them up to dry.

It was a warm sunny day, Alex was excited to see the outside again. It had been a while since she's felt the sun against her skin while standing in broad daylight. As she walked down the halls, it was empty, with the exception of a few guards that stood alert.

Eventually, she made her way down to the garden. She pushed the door open with her hip and took two steps towards the outside. She stood, closing her eyes enveloped in sunlight as she took a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature, to appreciate the warmth of the golden sun.

She opened her eyes again, looking across the garden to see people work on taking care of the flowers, planting, and weeding along with it. She scanned the beautiful landscape until her eyes locked on the clothing wire, seeing some clothes already hanging on it, waving in the breeze. She began to make her way over, appreciating the softness of the ground below her heels. If only she could walk in it barefoot, like how she did as a child while playing in the woods with Jade.

She gently placed her clothing basket down next to the clothesline, taking clothing pins and starting to pin the damp clothes to the wire.

"Oh, Alex!" An excited voice cheered for her. Mid-pinning, Alex turned her head to see Jade, covered in dirt, walking towards her with a bright smile, "I'm so glad you're feeling better now! I was so worried about you."

Alex softly smiled, bending down to pick up another piece of clothing and pinning it on the wire, "Yep! Charli helped me feel better," She explained, turning her attention back to her work. She realized that she'd need to tell Jade about the promise she and Charli made, "Hey, by the way, can we talk tonight? Charli and I have to talk to you about something," she said. Jade gave her a curious look before nodding, humming an 'okay!' in response.

"Oh, I need to get back to work," Jade mutters, she hugged Alex from behind, catching the blonde by surprise. "Have a good day, Alex!" She cheered, letting go of her and running back off to the place that she was working.

After a few minutes, Alex finished hanging up all the clothes on the clothing line, standing back to admire, watching the cloth dance in the wind. She turned to her side, seeing Jade digging in the ground and planting down some ferns. She beamed, seeing her friend having fun doing her job.

She then went to the clothing line next to the one where she hung her clothes, she felt them. Seeing as they were dry and warm, Alex took them off their pins and plopped them down in the now-empty basket she used to bring the wet clothes down with. She crouched down and picked up the basket before heading back to the castle. Alex pushed the door open, seeing the dark interior of the castle. She just needed to fold these clothes, put them where they belonged, and then she'd have the rest of the day off. She walked through the halls, lonesome and dull. Maybe she could read through her spellbook and practice a few of the spells? Or maybe up her magic level to get a better understanding and feeling of the earth and the magic it produces.

She stayed lost in her thoughts as she walked down those grim corridors, all the way up until she turned a corner and saw a familiar pink-haired prince. Zach.


She quickly hid. How? How could she look him in the face after that day? How could he be so fine with watching innocent women burn?

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