Chapter 2: The Capture

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The night bloomed again, and the witches were doing their spells and creating their potions. A normal night for them all, almost as if it was a parade. Fire being thrown everywhere spells blasting through the air with a wave of emotions. 

Smiles covered most of the coven's face. An owl's call into the night was all they needed to hear, the wilderness was used to them at this point. 

All though Alex, Jade, and Charli were the leaders, there was no need for them. They teach, but there was no leader. It was freeing from the strict leadership of the kingdom they lived in. 

It was a full moon this particular night, the night sky was clear, and the stars shimmered peacefully. 

Midnight struck, Charli was helping a young witch bless her wand. 

The wands weren't like the magician wands you see, they were plants crafted to suit the user. 

Alex's wand was an October Glory branch who's bark was carved off, it was a little wavy near the base, leather-covered the handle. 

Jade's wand was a straight birch branch, it still had its bark on and a crystal was tied to the end of it with yarn. 

Charli's wand was a slightly bent oak branch, it had some light yellow paint on its tip, the bark was stripped to its handle and a feather was tied onto the beginning of the handle. 

"Alright, so the first thing you have to say this spell right here." Charli directs the witch to a page in her spellbook, the witch nods, and backs up a little.

Charli inhales, "Now, repeat after me, 'Bless this wand that I hold,'"

"Bless this wand that I hold,"

"Then 'Fill it with magick true and bold,' okay?"

"Fill it with magick true and bold,"

"'My sacred tool kit it now shall be,'"

"My sacred tool kit it now shall be,"

"Now, 'By lord, lady, blessed be,'"

"By lord, lady blessed be!"

Charli begins to get excited, "Now draw a pentagram in the sky with the tip of your wand!"

The witch smiles, pointing her wand into the sky and drawing out a pentagram, "So mote it be!" she finished on her own.

"Good job!" Charli exclaims, the young witch smiles bashfully, and Charli turns to Jade who just got finished helping a witch with a spell.

"I wish we were able to do this whenever instead of only in the middle of the night. Things would be so much easier..." Jade comments, looking up at the night sky, plopping down into the grass. Charli followed her and sat in the grass with Jade.

The two girls stared up at the sky, the moonlight illuminated the area, the grass was tall and blew gently in the wind. It was beautiful. A strong breeze passed the coven, blowing leaves off the trees and onto the grass and lake. 

They were at zen, peaceful.

To the witches, this was the center of the universe. Their place, a place to be calm and contempt. 

"What I would give to be like this forever..." Charli sighed. 

Alex sat next to the two, "You can say that again."

"Oh, okay, 'What I would give to be like this forever...'" Jade jokingly says, causing the three to laugh. 

The night was peaceful, the day was a struggle for survival. 


"HELP!!!" A girl's scream echoed, alerting all the witches. Some even recognized the voice. 

"Venari??" A witch perked up, a concerned look on her face.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" The scream roared once more, it was coming towards the girls. Alex hopped up, "Everyone, hide! Someone must be chasing her!" She yelled, the Coven began to dive into the tree trap doors, some climbing the trees and others just running away. Looking through a small opening, and seeing a witch run to the center, looking around.

"Guys?? Where are you??" She asked.

"Venari!" A witch gasped, "You know her?" Jade asks, and they nod. "She said that she wasn't coming today, I was a little worried..." 

Then another sound made it's way here...


"Oh god, they're gonna know about this place..." Charli anxiously mumbles. She got hushed by another witch, and then the guards entered the area. 

"Seize the witch! You've come far enough!" 

"Guys, please! Help me!" Venari called out, as the guards were closing in, a large snap was heard.

They turned to look down, and they saw a wand that was snapped in half. 

The guard looked up, looking around, "Other witches have been here!" he gasps, Venari stares in horror at the sight. "They're hiding, I know they are. Chain that witch up, we'll look for the rest!" A guard commands, two go over and restrain the girl, as the guards continue to search.

Venari screamed for help, but nobody dared to move, nobody dared to make a single sound.

A few minutes go by, the guards searching rapidly for them. And then suddenly, one drops something from the tree. The guard's look to see what it was. They pick it up...

A bundle of sage.

The guards raise their heads into the tree, there they see multiple witches hiding in the trees. "After them!" One yells, up the trees they climb, some witches jump off, trying to run but being caught, their screams were haunting, begging and pleading to be saved, to be helped, and yet, every single one of them was captured, put into a row, one lighting the sage and threatening the girls.

"Are there more witches?" One questions.

"N-No!" The girl he questioned replied, he goes up to a tree with the lit sage. It was the tree Jade, Charli, and Alex were hidden in. 

"Wait stop!" A witch cries out, causing the guard to retract his sage, "Why?"

Silence filled the air, and one exhales, "There are more witches hidden inside..." She then directed them to a trapdoor on the tree, then the guards noticed it on all the trees, and they began to kick down the doors, and getting the girl out, tying their hands behind their back and setting them into a row.

They then find Alex, Jade, and Charli. All were bundled up in a corner, their books and wands were hidden inside their cloak. The guard stops to look at them. 

"Spare us!" Charli cries out. "Look at these poor maidens!" He exclaims, "Probably kidnapped by the witches!"

They look up in shock, Alex was about to object but Jade butts in, "Yes! They kidnapped us to use their witchy magic on! Th-thank you for saving us!" 

The guard bows, taking them out to show the others. "We found the witches kidnap victims! Three fair ladies!" 

The girls stayed silent. One guard comes up to them and takes off his helmet, his hair was red and swayed back, bowing before the three. "Hello, I'm Jaxx, the leader of the guards. Mind if we take you ladies to the castle so you can meet the princes, and be protected against these wicked witches!"

The girls looked at each other. Jade turned to Jaxx and nodded her head, "That sounds great!"

Jaxx guided the girls through the woods (even though Alex knew these woods better than anyone else) and they hopped on a carriage with Jaxx. Next to them were carriages with cages on the back. The witches were going to be thrown in there like animals.

The girls were disgusted, but couldn't do anything. They had no choice but to play along, and hope for the best...

Sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (it got a bit sloppy at the end, but oh well. I need to work on Jaxx's, Light's, and Charli's design before I get too ahead of myself lol)

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