Chapter 15: Finale

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The night bled into the day, the sun rose on the horizon, staining the sky the color of cooling embers as it reflected off the growing amount of clouds. It was time for the trials to begin.

The sky above was the colors of flame, gray clouds loomed over the sky, little shining through except glimmers of light and regret. It all made the world seem plain and dark, like the smoke produced by a large fire. It was cold, a lonely cold feeling. Inside the prison cells sat the three witches, first treated like family, now prisoners to be burned, just as their fate as witches foretold. The tension of death made the air feel thick, cloaks draped over their shoulders and a hood to cover their face. The depression grew heavy on their hearts as they refused to show their grief-stricken faces, grieving their own deaths before they even got to occur. The feelings of happiness and hopefulness they felt in this castle have come back to haunt them, making the wounds left behind over the years sting all the more painful.

The events that took place before they were taken loop in their minds. It was all fine, it was all okay, a great day, all the way up until they got back to the castle.

The girls walked back into the castle, chatting away with the three baskets full of goods hanging on their arms. Smiles were on their faces as they started to make their way towards the destination where they could put away their supplies. But before they could even split off into their different ways, they were stopped by Zach and a mini-army of guards behind him.

"Seize them!" He commanded, causing the guards to take away the girl's baskets and grab their wrists, holding them together and kicking them to the floor.

Alex looked around confused and scared, seeing as the other two shared the same expression. "Zach, what is this..?" She trembled, and just as she feared, Zach pulled out her spellbook.

"Alex, Charli, and Jade, you're hereby being arrested on the grounds of suspected witchcraft," he announced. Drake appeared behind him, he was hidden in the crowd of guards.

"But it's only suspected, maybe you guys were framed!" He pitched in, Zach nodded in agreement.

"I don't believe it, I can't. I don't believe that you three are witches. You had to be set up. So we set up a meeting with Priest Light, you will be tested to see if even the devil himself has rejected you." Zach explained, and before the girls could reason they were pulled up and dragged away to the dungeon. I mean, what could they even say? They were stunned.

Thrown in the cellar, the guard uttered, "We'll see you in the morning time." before leaving, leaving them in the dark as the sun was setting on the autumn sky.

The recent memory haunted them. They should've just gone to the safe space then and there, taking all the supplies, and run away. Why? Why didn't they just do that?

Sitting on the cold, damp floor. Afraid and ashamed, they didn't even speak. I mean, what could they even say? As they saw the little bit of sunlight peak through the top bars, they knew the clock began to count down to their demise. God, was the ticking always this loud?

"So," Alex mumbled, catching the other two's attention, "this is it, huh?" The other two looked down solemnly, Charli let out a strained, sad chuckle, "Yeah, I guess so..."

They went into more silence for a moment, "You know what?" Jade sat up, looking to her friends as they looked at her, "at least we got most people out, I'm just glad more people escaped than died."

The two others made a small smile, "Yeah, I suppose," Alex began, "They're off to the save haven created by the neighboring coven, where nobody can reach them, where they'll be safe."

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