Chapter 12: Comfort

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Alex quietly wept in her room. She let down her guard. The image of that girl burning was set into her retinas. Every time Alex closed her eyes the image of the fire roasting the innocent witch appeared, she couldn't sleep. The memory would accompany her in her dreams. 

Her voice, the agony, everything. It rang in her ears, it kept getting louder and louder until there was silence. Those screams were haunting. They always were, but to see it so up close, so clearly, it was driving Alex mad. She hated it, she hated herself for not saving them, she hated herself for not doing anything, for just talking to them. I mean, how pathetic of her, the leader of the witches, mourning the death of one witch when they're burned almost every week. 

It was hard not to scream, she wouldn't let anyone touch her, she wouldn't even let Miss Misa curl up next to her. She didn't want to burden anyone. She hasn't eaten in days, she refused to. She didn't think she deserved it.

She pulled up her blanket further to her chest as she let tears fall down her face. Her eyes were red from crying, she lost her voice from screaming so much. She hiccuped, softly, sniffling while whipping away her snot and tears with a small handkerchief. She failed them, those girls died because she wasn't fast enough at getting witches out of the dungeon.

Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door, Alex slightly sat up and looked at the door. 
"Come in," she weakly offered, her voice a little above a whisper. Normally she'd yell at them to go away, but she didn't have the energy. Maybe the comfort will help, she didn't know. The door slowly opened as Charli walked in, Charli closed the door behind herself as she sat on the side of Alex's bed, stroking her hair gently.

"I failed them..." Alex whimpered, burying her face into her blanket, muffling her noises. She didn't want to burden Charli but she had to get these thoughts out of her head. Charli embraced Alex, bringing her close as Ale wept into her chest. Charli continued to run her fingers through Alex's hair while rubbing circles into her back soothingly. 

"You didn't fail them, Alex," Charli reassured, holding her tightly, "it wasn't your fault they got burned."

"Yes, it was!" Alex rose her voice, clutching Charli's dress as she screamed into her chest before returning to crying. Charli sat silently, letting her cry. She needed a moment to think of her next words carefully, she didn't want to be kicked out.

"Hey, hey..." Charli whispered, petting Alex gently, trying to comfort her the best she could. She didn't want Alex to work herself up to the point she couldn't breathe, Alex needed to be calm to understand, or else she'd be a crying mess that'll be as good to talk to as a brick wall. "You weren't the one who strung them to those crosses, you weren't the one who ordered them to be executed, you were a victim. You did nothing wrong, you did your best without putting yourself in danger and that's okay," Charli continued.

Alex quieted down for a second, snuggling into Charli's chest as she sniffled, "I guess... you're right," Alex admitted, "But-!"

"No buts!" Charli interrupted before Alex could get worked up again, "Just breathe, you did the best you could."

Alex cried for a good few minutes afterward, not saying anything, but words didn't need to be said. Charli was there to comfort her, and comfort her she did. Alex needed the comfort after the attack and the days followed, the days drenched in grief and drowning in regrets. 

Alex eventually quieted down, with the exception of an occasional tear falling, she stopped crying. Now she and Charli were just staring out the window, watching the sunset. 

"Why?" Alex eventually mumbled.


"Why did he do it?" She asked, "Why did Zach murder them?"

Charli went quiet before pulling her closer, "Well, they were taught that way I assume," Charli explained, "They were taught that us witches weren't human. They were taught that we're a disgrace, a menace to society."

Alex nodded, going quiet for a moment before asking a follow-up question, "Is luck against us?"

Charli looked at Alex with a puzzled expression, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Alex paused, taking a shaky breath, feeling the tears build up in her eyes, "If luck and fortune were on our side, why would I have fallen for such a monster?"

"Alex don't say that!" Charli exclaimed, not wanting Alex to feel shame for falling in love with someone. It wasn't her fault that he happened to kill their kind.

"I don't even know if being a witch is worth it at this point!" Alex choked out before going back to crying. Her head hurt from sobbing at this point, she just wanted to sleep and maybe sleep forever. She didn't want to be here anymore. 

Charli was at a loss for words, I mean, what do you even say to that? Denying your identity all because a guy hates it? Granted, he was likely to never change, but he wasn't worth giving up a big part of herself away just for him.

"You're a witch because it's who you are, are you really going to throw who you are away just because the man you fell in love with hates our kind!?" Charli shouted, trying to knock some sense into Alex, "He's not worth it, not in the slightest."

Alex calmed down again, nuzzling into Charli as she watched the sunset, nodding slowly. She understood. Maybe it would be for the best she got over him because even if she wanted his hand in marriage, she didn't want to keep living a lie, she didn't want to keep herself hidden, and she didn't want to change for him.

This place was paradise and hell at the same time. Alex has never been happier yet has never been so miserable in her life. She loved working here and hated hiding. If only witches were accepted in society if only she could get everyone together and calmly explain to them what being a witch really is. Maybe then they'd understand.

"Oh, by the way, Jade and I got a few witches out of the dungeon!" Charli cheered, hoping the news would make Alex feel at least a little bit better. 

"Really??" Alex exclaimed, "That's great!!"

Charli smiled, "Yeah! There are only about thirty left. Soon we'll get them all free!"

Alex squeezed Charli gently, "That's amazing, you guys are great!" Alex celebrated quietly. She was overjoyed that fewer and fewer witches were gonna be sacrificed. 

They go quiet, now a comfortable silence as they watched the pink clouds pass by on the fiery orange and red sky.

The sunset was the only fire-looking thing Alex liked. It was pretty, unlike the terrifying and painful feeling and sight of fire. Fire is destruction, it kills things. Sunsets are pretty, they're harmless, neither helpful nor harmful. They're just there, minding their own business. And that's how it should be, it's perfect like that.

"Hey, Charli?" Alex began, looking up at Charli.

"Hm? What is it?" She responded curiously.

Alex smiled sadly, "When all the witches are free and a safe place is located," She began, taking a pause to gather her thoughts, unsure if she should really say this, "Can... can we please escape this castle too?"

Charli was a bit surprised, "Alex I-"

"Don't get me wrong," She continued, interrupting Charli, "I loved this place but... I don't want to die. Not yet. I don't want to risk it, so can we please get out of here before it's too late?"

The ginger-haired girl went quiet, surprised by Alex, of all people, saying this. After a moment, she warmly smiled, "Of course we can, Alex."


Sorry for not updating for a while and I'm sorry for the semi-short chapter aaaa

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