Chapter 3: Twin Princes

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The sound of the horses galloping through the stone trail was the only sound heard. Alex, Jade, and Charli sat in Jaxx's carriage, on their way to the castle. They sat in their cloaks, watching trees and buildings go by. Next to them was a carriage with a cage. It was a big large metal box, with windows that had prison bars. Peeking through the bars, there were multiple witches, the amount was impossible to tell. 

The mood was heavy as if they were all riding to their execution. Ever since the three got in Jaxx's carriage, they hadn't spoken a word, just sitting in silence, staring at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with each other.

Focusing in on the horse's gallop made it a lot easier to not have the urge to utter a sound. 

Eventually, the road got smoother, less bumpy and the buildings vanished, only trees were seen. The carriage itself was pretty high class, the seats were soft, it was round and almost royal. Compared to the surrounding ones, this one was extremely nice. It was colored a nice brown-gold, the seats were red and so was the flooring. The seats were facing opposite sides of each other. Jade and Charli sat at the back, while Alex sat at the front, opposite to the others.

And then, it stopped, "Woah there!" Jaxx hollered, the horse neighed back in response, kicking its front legs up and then settling down.

Jaxx hopped down from his coaching seat and went to help the girls down, opening the door and reaching in for one of their hands, "Come along, we'll be sending the witches to the dungeon, you three will be meeting the princes." 

Jade hops down first, Alex then came second and Charli finally came last, each waiting for the other. 

"You ladies don't talk much, I would've expected to have you three talk until my ears fall off!" Jaxx remarks, laughing afterward. The three looks at each other and awkwardly smile, then turning back to Jaxx.

"We're ready to head into the castle," Alex states, the other two nod along with her. Jaxx nods in response, "Come along then, you shall meet them."

He walks ahead of the three, and opens the door for them, bowing down as each girl walks in. The girls stare in awe at how magnificent the castle was before Jaxx snapped them out of it and beckoned them to come along. 

The four then come upon a room with a great big door, Jaxx puts his hand up to holt the girls. "You girls stay here until I signal you to come in. I must speak to them first." Jaxx commands the girls to stay there, watching Jaxx open the door and walk through, his steps echo in the room leading up to a tattered red carpet, muffling the sound.

Before he sat two princes on their thrones, the thrones looked almost identical, but one had pink cushioning, the other had blue. They sat at a slightly higher level, two steps leading up to their area as if they were on a miniature stage. 

Jaxx stopped, and bowed before the two, before looking up at them. "How did the hunt go this time?" One of the princes asked, his hair and eyes were bright bubble-gum pink, and his outfit seemed to be handmade, special for him and him alone. As he questioned, he sat slightly up in his throne, attempting to look formal.

"It went better than expected, your highness!" Jaxx exclaims, gaining the interest of the two, "We not only cased down and captured a witch, we found their meeting spot and captured every single one we could find!"

A smile peeked through the two boys' mouth, "That's wonderful news, right Zach?" The one with bright blue hair and eyes questioned to his twin, who was named Zach. Zach nodded, "That is splendid news! Anything else to report?"

Jaxx answered yes, turning to the door and signaled for the girls to come out. The girls scurried in, standing in a horizontal line behind Jaxx, a nervous expression on their face. 

They stood there for a moment, Jaxx turning and whispering for them to bow. "O-oh!" Alex peeped, bowing dow to the princes, raising her dress a little bit as her head was down and shoulders raised. Jade bowed in a masculine way, leaning down with her arm in front of her. Charli copied Alex's bow, and the two princes looked at one another.

The girls quit bowing and stood up straight to look at the two royal men in front of them. 

Silence flooded the room, the princes looked at each other, eyeing back at the girls and back to one another, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"I'm assuming you've never been in the presence of royalty before, have you?" The blue one cackled. "The only people who wouldn't bow before us intentionally, are the ones against us, isn't that obvious, Drake?" Zach responded between giggles. So his brother was named Drake. 

Jaxx cleared his throat, catching the attention of all five of them. "Alright ladies, allow me to introduce you to the princes! The one with pink hair is named Zack," Jaxx introduced. "Hello there." He greeted in response. "And the one with the blue hair is Drake," "Nice to meet you, ladies." Drake saluted.

"Jaxx, would you give us some alone time?" Zach requested, shooing him out of the room. "Yes sir!" He applies and leaves the room, shutting the doors behind him.

"So, what's your story?" Drake interrogated the three.

The girls looked at each other, and then Alex spoke up.

"Hello, I am Alex Einstien, and these are my best friends, Jade and Charli," She gestured to her friends, as she said their name they waved in response. "We... were captured by the witches, and used for experimentation, that is until the guards saved us." Alex lied, attempting to gain sympathy from the two that could have all three killed in a snap of a finger.

"I'm glad we got you, ladies, out of there, do you have anywhere to stay?" Drake wondered, the girls shook their heads, a quiet 'no'. "Then you shall live here with me and Drake in the castle, we have plenty of room for you." Zach offered, the girls looked at each other. This was an offer of a lifetime, they could get out of poverty, they could live in luxury and safety inside the walls of this elegant place.

"That's alright with us!" Jade exclaimed. "Excellent, do you have any preferences for rooms or do you not mind?" The bubblegum prince questioned. "Uhhh..." Alex went, Jade hummed, curious about what they'd prefer. 

"I have a request!" Charli piped up, the boys nodded, listening in, "May we have rooms close to each other?" 

Zach and Drake looked at the other, agreeing, "Of course. Your wish is our command." The girls got excited, about to thank the twins but before they could, they were overlooked, "But, this comes at a price. You will all have a job to do around the castle to pay for your stay here." 

"That sounds fair, so is it like a new job every day, or is it a thing you choose?" Jade complied but had a few questions. "We'll allow you to do a job of your choice out of a list, doing what fits you the most," Drake explained.

"Alright, so when do we begin?"

I got this out earlier than expected! I need to sleep soon, I got a lot to do tomorrow, so I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter! Even though it got repetitive at the end... either way, I hope you all have a good day! :D

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