A Dance Of Love

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After a couple days Deku and Mina have been even closer than before, but throughout those couple of Mina's heart will be pounding when she's near Deku, At first she didn't understand the feelings, but she remembered the thing that Uraraka said about having strange feelings, right there Mina knew that she was in love with Deku, and when she thought about him being his girlfriend her whole face begins to turn red, she's always thought that when she was doing those things with Deku that they were out of pure lust but actually it was more than that, so she wanted to tell Deku the truth but got a bit nervous every time she tried, so she sat in her dorm room and contemplated about how she was going to confess her true feelings towards Deku and if he will accept them or not.


"How am I going to tell Izuku that I like him, and how would he react if I told him?"

She laid in her bed wondering what she was going to do, but as she was laying on her bed she started to doze off, but before she can close her eyes, she hears a knock on her door, she gets up from her bed and opens it and sees Deku standing in front of her.


"Oh h-hey Izuku what are you doing here?"


"Well I came here to ask you something."


"Oh yeah, w-what is it?"


"Well my mom sent me two movie tickets in the mail, and I was wondering if you like to go with me to the movies tomorrow after school?"


"Yeah sure, I'll love to go to the movies with you Izuku."


"Okay I'll see you tomorrow."


"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow too."

Deku then headed back to his dorm room, Mina then closes the door and prepares a plan on confessing to Deku about her true feelings, she went to her closet and started looking for something nice to wear tomorrow, At first she couldn't find anything but she then found a short dress that was all white that she accidentally packed from home, from the first glance she knew it was perfect for tomorrow, she then went to her closet and found some matching shoes to wear with the dress, no that she had a nice outfit to wear tomorrow, there was only one thing that she wanted to wear for sure and that was some seductive lingerie that Deku might like, so she then pulled out a small white box that was under her bed.

~Mina's mind~

"I bought this so long ago, I never thought that I'll be wearing something like this on a movie date, but I think once Deku sees me wearing this, he'll be head over heels for me."

Once Mina had everything prepared for tomorrow, she went to bed, but it was a little bit hard for her to get some sleep, she kept thinking about how tomorrow would be the very day she tells Deku her you feelings towards him."

~The next day~

Right after school Mina went to her dorm and started to get ready for the movies, but while she was getting ready, she got a message on her phone, she picked up her phone and saw the message was from Deku, she opens it and it says.

~Deku's message~

"Hey I got caught up in something, but you could head to the mall and I'll meet you there, I promise."

Mina then replied back to Deku's message with.

~Mina message~

"Okay, I'll see you there xoxo."

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