Please Help Me Study

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It has been a long day at UA and everyone is glad to be returning to their dorms for a long rest but Mina won't be resting like the others, instead she'll be working on some uncompleted assignments that she didn't finish on time, so Mr. Aizawa gave her a stack of all of her uncomplete papers.


"Okay Miss. Ashido you won't be getting any amount of relaxation until you finish all of your uncomplete assignments and once you're all done I want all of them to be turned in by next week."


"WHAT!?, There's no way that I'll finish all of these by next week!"


"Well you better figure out something or else you'll be kicked out of the HERO program."

Aizawa then leaves Mina in the classroom by herself with a gloomy cloud above her.

~Mina's mind~

"Oh man what am I going to do, maybe I should ask someone to help me out?"

Suddenly while Mina was thinking about someone helping her with all of her uncompleted assignments, she hears a very familiar voice enter the classroom.


"Umm Hello Mr. Aizawa?, I forgot to turn in today's paperwork."

Deku then notices that Mr. Aizawa wasn't in the classroom and instead saw Mina looking at him with glimmering eyes.


"Oh uh it looks like Mr. Aizawa isn't here so I guess I'll be on my way."


"Hey hold on a sec Midoriya I need to ask you for a favor!"

Mina then leaped out of her chair and Rush towards Deku before he left the classroom.


"W-what do need Ashido?"


"I want you to help me finish all of my uncomplete assignments, I could really need your help with all of this."


"Umm I don't know?, I do have some other plans?"


"Oh come on Midoriya I could really use your help with all of this work, and after we finish I'll treat you to anything you want I promise, so pretty please will you help me Midoriya?"


"Umm yeah ok I'll help you out Ashido."

Mina then leaped onto Deku to wrap her arms around him so she can give him a big hug which caused him to blush a bit.


"Oh thank you so much Midoriya you really are a lifesaver."


"Y-yeah no problem."

Mina the let's go of Deku and goes over to her desk to gather up all her assignments, which she then carried right towards the door where Deku was still standing.


"Ok, meet me in my dorm in about 15 minutes, and we'll get working right away kay."



Mina then left Deku back in the classroom to return to dorm so she can get prepared for studying with Deku.

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