Chapter 7

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I tossed clothes out of my closet left and right, anything that looked like it was a potential outfit was tossed out. Jazzy and I are going out again, but this time someone is joining us so I want to look a bit extra than typical.

After tossing out a few more outfits I finally turned around to view my options. I narrowed it down to this all pink outfit, since I love pink and then there was a white one piece I was going to pair with a coat or something. I twisted my lips, deciding that I didn't want to look like a bottle of Pepto Bismol today and decided to go with the all white. It isn't as extra as I anticipated but it'll do.

Finally I hopped in the shower, I know Jazzy is about to be pissed at me 'cause I'm nowhere near ready and she's on her way.

After washing up for only 10 minutes since I was already behind, I got out and wrapped my towel around me while I walked to my bedroom. I dried off and begin my skin regimen and everything else I
typically did after a shower.

I only had on my panties and bra when my phone lit up with Jazzy's FaceTime call.

"Hello?" I answered, propping my phone against a water bottle on my dresser.

"You not dressed yet?!" She yelled, I noticed she was walking somewhere that looked all too familiar.

"I'm almost done, don't be mad at me." I whined

"I told you to get ready 2 hours ago." She yelled, I now noticed she was in my hallway of my condo building.

I opened my mouth to reply but I heard Gia's voice. I know Jazzy will pop off on her so let me pull her in before she does.

I grabbed my robe that I had sitting in my chair, wrapped it around myself and walked out of my room and to the front door.

When I opened it Jazzy was looking at Gia in confusion as she talked, "All I'm asking is for you to keep your voice down, people are asleep." Gia said

"If y'all are sleep at 7 in the evening y'all got bigger problems. Mind yo' business, Mildred." Jazzy replied as she made her way towards my door

"It's Gi—"

Jazzy cut her off, "Suck my ass." She said, giving her the finger and finally coming inside.

"I'm surprised it didn't get worse than that." I said as I closed my door

She smiled, "I'm in a good mood today."

"Now back to you, miss mamas, why the hell aren't you dressed?" She asked, glancing over the robe I still had on.

"I was trying to find the perfect outfit."

She pursed her lips, "If you tryna look good for 'ol boy just say that."

I smiled, "I am, but good thing is I have the outfit picked out already and I'm about to go get dressed. What's the rush anyway? No one goes out at 7."

"They don't, but I want a pre snack before the turn up, don't wanna drink on an empty stomach." She said as she patted her belly

"You mean pre meal? You don't just eat chips and a drink, you want to go to a restaurant and have a full course."

"Well you know I'm eating for two, me and my alter ego." She smiled

I laughed, "You always have the craziest shit to say. But let me go get dressed before you get mad." I said and begin to retreat towards my room

"Yeah, and hurry up. My alter ego is getting hungry." She said as I walked away

I smiled to myself as I made it into my room. I finished where I left off as far as my skin regimen and pulled on my white outfit. I applied some light make up, sprayed on some perfume then did my hair and now I was ready. That sounds like that took seconds but in actuality it took a good 45 minutes or more possibly.

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