The Twins Part 1

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This is a Falsettos/Book of Mormon crossover. Hope you enjoy!!

TW: Mild Swearing, very very subtle mention of Sexual Assault 

(Marvin's Pov)

I heard knock at the door, and I give Whizzer a look telling him to get it, but he won't, so I get up to get it.

I walk over to the door, and open it.

"Hello, My name is Elder Price and I would like to share with you the most amazing-"

"Nope, nope, nope" Whizzer said slamming the door.

I was shocked, not totally by how he acted but how the guy on the other side of the door looked like.

He looked exactly like Whizzer

I look to Whizzer and am confused as all hell.

He then recognized that I saw the guy on the other side of the door, and before I went to ask him about it, Whizzer just shook his head and opened the door back up and yelled,

"Go away Kevin, we don't care, goodbye"

"Wait Jack wait, please, let me talk"

"Why should I, plus I go by Whizzer now"

"Well ok, Whizzer, I'm sorry"

When the guys, Kevin, says sorry I snap out of my trance and ask, "Will someone tell me what the hell is going on!"

Whizzer looks at me sympethetectly 

"Sorry Marv, this is my twin brother Kevin," he winces when he says it but continues, "I used to be a Mormon, and my name was Jack, but you know the whole gay thing didn't fly with our parents, so they kicked me out."

I was surprised, he never talked about his family, now I know why

"Wait, wait, Jack, you were kicked out, Mom and I just thought you ran away." Kevin said looking surprised.

"Its Whizzer, but of course he did, he always had to look good," Whizzer continues, "Well you said sorry, I listened to you, and I probably broke my boyfriend giving him all that information, so I think you can go back to mom and dad, be the perfect Mormon boy again, and tell them how big of a disgrace I am, good day to you brother."

Then Kevin grabs his arm and says, "I'm not a Mormon anymore, Whizzer." 

"Very funny Kev, you were literally at my door preaching it." Whizzer says 

"No I wasn't preaching The Book of Mormon, I was preaching the Book of Arnold." Kevin says as he holds up a book.

Whizzer looks surprised to say the least

"I have two questions, why don't you come in," Whizzer then looks at me, "If its cool with you" I just nod, wanting to know whats about to happen

We all walk back inside and we all sit on the couch

Whizzer then speaks up

"Ok so question number one," he says turning to look at Kevin, "What the hell is the Book of Arnold?"

Kevin says, "My old mission partner accidently created his own religion, and when I left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I decided to follow his religion." 

Whizzer still looks confused, as am I

"Ok, okay, second question, how the hell did the perfect Mormon child, Kevin Price, leave the church?" Whizzer asks.

"It's a long story. Well when I was 19 I left for my mission and Arnold was my partner. He wasn't the best Mormon at all. So I was pretty rude, I really didn't like him. We were sent to Uganda. I got there and my belief started to waver. Then I was really confused, so then the other missionaries there did a whole musical number about turning it off, so I did for a little. So then my faith kinda was reborn and I went preaching to the town, then the general came and shot a guy, in the face, right in front of me. I stormed right back to the hut and kinda lost my temper and stormed out. Not only did I leave my mission brother, I also left the hut past 9 pm. Arnold cam after me and I yelled at him and said a lot of things I didn't mean. He stormed back off and I fell asleep and I had the hell dream. When I woke up all the other missionaries were surrounding me, then I got an idea to help them out, I would try and convert the general. It didn't work. I thought he was listening to me, but then he captured me and did some not so good stuff. While all this was going on Arnold was trying to preach by himself, which didn't end well. He changed around a lot of stuff, but the villages all seemed to believe that because all of them wanted baptized. The first one he baptized soon became his girlfriend. After I got out of the general's grasp I lost all faith in God. I actually drank coffee, and a shit ton of it at that. I became addicted, still am. I also swear now. Then the mission president came to check our process, the villagers put on a play, with the stuff Arnold told them. The president wasn't happy and kinda told us we were all excommunicated. Since I didn't believe anymore I wasn't having it, so I convinced everyone else to stay, and finish our 2 years. We helped the villagers then we all went home. Mom and dad disowned me too, for more reasons than that." He finished

Whizzer and I were speechless. Then Whizzer gave him hug. Then Whizzer said, " I forgive you bro, and I hope we can become close again." They hugged again, it was so sweet then Kevin's phon rang.

Kevin picked it up

"Shit, yeah sorry, you know how I told you I had a brother, turns out he is in the building and we were just catching up, forgot to tell you, love you" Then Kevin hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Whizzer asked

"Umm that was my fiance" Kevin said

This got Whizzer's attention, him being the gossip he is.

"What's her name dude, you cant just leave out those details.

"Umm his name is Connor" He says confidently and Whizzer's jaw drops

"HIS, YOU'RE GAY" Whizzer shouts getting happy

"Yeah that's the second reason for being disowned

They hug again

Soon Kevin got up to leave to get back to his apartment

Whizzer then said, " You guys should totally come over for dinner tonight"

Kevin considers it for a second then nods, " I think we just might," he said," I'll see you later" Kevin said.

And with that he closed the door and went back to is apartment.

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