That's My Boyfriend!

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Fandom: Glee

Ship: Kurtbastian

Summary: Sebastian and Kurt were childhood friends, they dated. Kurt never went to spy on Dalton. They dated long distance. When Sebastian comes back he meets Blaine and Blaine tries to tell him about this boy he meet at the Lima Bean. Blaine isn't lead warbler.

TW: slight slut shaming, slight swearing, some smut


Sebastian's Pov

"Wanna go get some coffee?" I asked

"Sure! I know this great place called the Lima Bean! And since we are already in Lima it won't take long to get there."

"I know that place, it is good. Lets go."


We both got in my car, about 15 minutes later we arrived at the Lima.

We walked in and grabbed a table.

"I'm going to get a coffee, do you want anything?"

"I'm good thank you."

I nodded and walked into the line.

While I was in line I got a text from my boyfriend, Kurt

We started having a conversation

Before I knew it I was called to order

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Before I knew it I was called to order.

I ordered, grabbed my coffee when it was done and headed back to the table.

I planned to sit down then say how Kurt was gonna join us but before I said anything Blaine started talking.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Uh yea" Not explaining any further wanting see where this was going

"How do you ask someone out or tell them you like them. Because I've never had a boyfriend before and there is this one kid who always comes here and I like him."

"Is he gay, or bi?"

"Yea I heard him talking about it with his one friend with a mohawk."

Ha kinda sounds like Puck

"Well my experience is totally different because and my boyfriend were childhood friends and over the years we got closer. He was the first person I came out to, and vice versa. One day before junior year he confessed his feelings for me and I confessed mine for him and we have been dating since." I finished with a smile on my face remembering the day it happened.

"Oh that seems nice. I'm happy for you! So do you have any ideas?"

"Umm well just walk up to him and ask for is number." I suggested

"I can do that, yea" He said while nodding.

I was about to ask this guys name but before I could I saw Blaine point to the door and say: "That's him!"

I'm intrigued so I turn around and look.

And the mystery boy is none other than Kurt Hummel.

I suddenly get defensive


"Yes, Kurt Hummel, the guy I like." Blaine said while staring

"Not him, he isn't available"

"What do mean? Are you jealous?" Blaine snaps back.

I scoff, "Of you? Please, I'm the one has been dating him for a year and half." I say with a smirk 

"Oh really I highly doubt you of all people are dating someone as special as him."

"I don't know what you're talking about but yes I have him and I don't intend to lose him." 

What I didn't know is that Kurt saw this whole thing and took his sweet time to intervene

"Hey babe mind introducing me to your warbler friend who apparently likes me and has an ego the size of the sun" Kurt said with a smirk.

"Oh hi Kurt I was just telling him that he couldn't have you, wanna get out of here?" I ask eagerly because I wanna get out of here.

"Sure but can you get me a coffee first I wanna talk Blaine." 

I nod and head for the line, again

(Kurt's Pov)

I decided to sit across from Blaine and to let him speak first.

"You not happy with manwhore over there? Do you want someone new?" He asked flirtastiously

Hearing someone call Sebastian that mad my blood boil. Sebastian is not a manwhore, he never even had sex until he was with me, he just flirts, but it is all innocent.

"He was flirting with me when we first met, he proabaly forgot he had a boyfriend. He has probably put his dick into anything that moves."

"Shut the hell up and listen real closely ok. Sebastian is the most caring person I know, he is not like that. Just because you can't handle that someone already has me does not mean you should slut shame someone for stuff that has never happened. I want you to know that you have absolutely no chance with me. Zero chance. So get it out of your head that I would even consider leaving Sebastian for your sorry ass. So I want you find new people to hang out with because I guarantee that me and Sebastian will not hang out with you, hell even talk to you again. I know you only came here for me so find another coffee shop to hang out with. Goodbye bitch!" I half yelled to him. 

I collected myself then got up, met Sebastian at the door, grabbed my coffee and left a stunned Blaine sitting in the middle of the Lima bean with most most the people staring at him.

(Sebastian's Pov)

I saw the whole thing happen and it was strangely hot. But soon I saw Kurt walking back to me and we left.

We got into my car and we sat in silence for awhile until I broke it.

"Is it weird that you yelling and defending me kinda turn me on.

Kurt just smirked and said no one is home.

My eyes widen and I go straight to Kurt's house.

We walk in and I immediately grab his hand and run up to his room

When we get up there I push him up against his door and he moans. I smirk and I feel satisfied knowing that I get to hear that noise and not that gelmet.

I work down his neck kissing it and leaving hickies down it. 

I know he likes dirty talk so I give him it

"I hope you know that I have no one else, only you get to feel me pound into you like it's the last thing I get to do." He moans even louder, if it was even possible

"Oh I know you can be louder than that babe. You know how much I like hearing you. Moaning, whimpering, murmering my name, screaming, so don't hold back."

And with that his legs seem to give out so I grab him by his legs and throw him onto his bed and get busy.

That night when they were cuddling on Kurt's bed Sebastian couldn't help but be lucky that he got to call Kurt his boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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