I Like You Just As You Are

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I ship Bug and Commander Up from Starship and I can't find any fanfic for them, so I'm writing one, takes place during that scene, you know the one, but with some minor tweaks. Some things may be in different order because I'm going off my own memory of this scene.

TW: makeout scene


(Bug's Pov)

I came to ask Up about my little problem with February, its not the problem you think it is.

You probably think its that I couldn't kiss her because I'm a bug, but thats not right, I couldn't kiss her because I realized I don't actually like her. 

Then I realized I never liked a girl, and now here I am about to talk to Up about how I'm questioning my sexuality.

I see something is troubling him, and for some reason seeing him in distress makes me sad and I just want to help him, so now I'm asking if he needs help. 

I offer him to sit on my lap, like I saw him do before, after hesitated for a minute he sits.

As he talks about how he is going soft, I am feeling bad for him about what happened in the Robot War, but after awhile I stop listening to what he is saying and instead I'm focusing on how cute his eyes are up close. Or how his face has battle scars on it that I think make him handsome.

After I realized I was thinking about how good he looked I came to a realization that I answered my own question.

He finished shortly after and I made some comments and one being how him now is better than before because now he can kill with his heart. That seemed to cheer him up. But what made me even happier is the fact that when he put his face up against mine I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips.

That moment was over soon but I was determined to kiss him.

So when he asked me why I came to him in the first place I decided that was my time to do something about it.

"I already answered my own question" I said nonchalantly

He looked at me skeptically, " How, all you've done here was help me through my problems"

"Well yea, but while you were sitting on my lap I figured out what I wanted to know." 

He seemed very confused so I did what any sensible person would do and I kissed him

He seemed shocked at first, and I almost pulled away because I thought I made a mistake, then after he overcame the shock he started kissing back.

It felt like a thousand fireworks went off in my chest, I was so giddy from it, and I was clearly blushing, then soon this progressed into a full makeout session, with him STILL on my lap.

His tongue started exploring my mouth, teeth started clashing, blood started flowing into my area. I've never felt like this with anyone before.

We were there doing that for a good few minutes, neither of us made an effort to stop. We only stopped for a quick breath then went back to it until we heard:

"Oh um my bad Commander Up, I see you're busy" Tootsie Noodles said in his accent

Up gave him a death stare and he left.

After that we looked at each others flushed faces and laughed.

Then I decided to just rest my forehead against his.

The he asked me what I was waiting for since the kiss began, 

"Bug will you go out with me?"


Then we bust into laughter again.

That wasn't how I expected that talk to go but hey I'm not complaining.

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