Elle Forrest Part 1

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So this fic isnt related to the musical really. I mean it is, but not really. Many things are changed. Instead of Warner going to Harvard he went to Yale law. Elle and Emmett still follow the same musical timeline but this takes place after the musical.

TW: Mild Swearing


(Elle's Pov)

Emmett and I have been married for about a year. We both have good jobs in law. We are going strong. I haven't thought about Warner since a little bit after Emmett and I met. Recently I've been feeling sick, then my period is late. 

I'm not worried. We weren't trying, but we are both in good places. We could handle it: at that thought I get really happy thinking about Emmett and I raising a baby.

I have the day off so I decide to run to the dollar store and buy a pregnancy test.

When I get there I go right to that isle

It was al going smoothly until I ran into someone.

I didn't think anything of it at first until I heard the voice:


Shit, Warner

"Uhh yes, what do you want" I say bitterly, even though I didn't mean it. 

"Nice to see you two, its been what like 6 years?"

"Yeah it has"

"I know this will probably sound weird but would you maybe like to give us a second chance?" He asks sheepishly.

"Sorry, no, I'm actually married" I say proudly, because I love Emmett

"Oh" He says slightly shocked

"Yeah and if you don't mind I actually have to go and buy a pregnancy test" I say with a grin

He is standing there shocked so I just shoot him a toothy grin and little wave and leave.

I bought what I needed and left.

When I got home, Emmett still wasn't home so I went and took the test.

5 minutes later I was standing in the bathroom with a test in my hand: a test with 2 lines on it.

I was beyond overjoyed and so excited to tell Emmett. I decided to tell him when he got home from work.

He got home around 5, when he walked in he felt something was off

"What's wrong?" He asks full of concern.

I smile a large grin and reply:

"Nothing, actually everything is wonderful" 

He looks at me suspiciuosly 

"Why?" He asks 

"Wait here, and close your eyes" I tell him and he does as told.

I go to the bathroom to retrieve the test, I grab it and walk back out to Emmett

I put the test in his hands and say," Open your eyes"

He does and it takes him a minute to register what's in his hands, but one he does his eyes go wide with realization and then he hugs me like the end of the world.

We just sit there for awhile, comforted by each others presence, and content in our lives.

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