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CatCf fic, yes another one, because I love Mike x Charlie, and this ship is lacking in content. This is about the kids being in highschool. Specifically geography, Mike being in his mom's class.

Based off the line, " Mr. Wonka I teach geography"


(Mike's Pov)

"Okay everybody take your seats" My mom says sitting at her desk.

We all do, because it seems she has something to say to us.

"Today we will be getting two new students. One from another state, and one from Russia. 

Just then I hear a very Russian voice come from outside of the class room, and I recognize it immediatly.



"Class this is Ms. Veruca Salt" My mom introduces her to the class, but Veruca is already looking at me.



"Veruca, sweetie, you can a seat next to Mike, since you already know him."

"Okay fine"

"Mom, are you sure the other kid can't sit next to me, so I don't have to deal with her, right next to me."

"No, I know you will get distracted by the other kid, if he sits next to you."

"Mom, I won't get distracted by that kid, I already have a boyfriend."

" I know Mike, but trust you will get distracted by him"

Then suddenly I hear a precious voice come from the hallway, and I recognize it immediatly.

"Is this the room I am supposed to be at?"


"Yes, it is"

Charlie then enters the room and his eye catches my mom's.

"Hello, Mrs. Teavee"

"Hello Charlie, its so good to see you again."

Then Charlie looks straight- well nothing he does is straight if you know what I mean- at me.

Then I stand up, and I lock eye contact with him

At this point Veruca has noticed him as well and got up as well

Suddenly I run to him and engulf him in a big bear hug

He returns the hug with just as much passion

Soon I hear my mom clear her throat and say:

"I told you that you would get distracted by the new kid if he sat next to him

Then Veruca, Charlie and I all burst out into a fit of laughter

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